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Ciara Mendes

Giovanni draw random patterns on my back with his finger as I lay on my stomach next to him in his room. We had return not too long ago from the spa after we had breakfast on the beach. Later we are going horse back riding then we'll have dinner at the hotel's restaurant.

Thankfully we had continued the interview before our date yesterday and took the pictures early this morning, so we had the rest of days to ourselves without work. He had confess that this was not a work related trip and was just a ploy to get me to come with him, I was upset but not for long considering that this is what I needed. A vacation no matter how small it maybe. All I needed was to breathe another air for a while.

"What is it mother?" Giovanni says into his phone.

Mrs Haynes. I smile at the mention.
I remember the day I met her and how warm she had been towards me. That makes me wonder how she would take it if she found out that I am involve with her son.

I didn't want to give us a tittle. The truth was I don't think he's capable of having a monogamous relationship and I'm aware that 'labels' tend to complicate situations. However when I told Giovanni that I didn't want to label us his reply was, 'I don't agree. I want every man to know that you are mine.'

Thankfully for my benefit I had managed to persuade him. After what happen with my ex I'm not too eager to pursue another relationship. I must say I consider myself lucky for not having another sister therefore I didn't have to worry about Giovanni cheating with her.

He stood from the bed. "I'm not in LA mother." There was a pause before he continue, "I'm in Fiji."

I stood from the bed deciding to leave so that he could get some privacy, before I had the chance to leave I felt his hand around my waist. He brush my hair to the side then I feel his lips on the side of my neck.

"It's not business related mother but can't this wait?" I turn in his arms suddenly disappointed that our trip might be cut short.

I watch him as his expression change to one more distraught. I wrap my arms around his neck, suddenly feeling apprehensive. He close his eyes and pinch the bridge of his nose.

"Don't. Don't mention them to me." He says somewhat calm, though I could feel how tense he had gotten after regarding whatever his mother was saying on the other line.

"Dammit. I don't know how we are even related, you have a heart of gold." He gives me an apologetic look. "Fine, fine I'll be there by tonight."

He end the call and I frown. "I take it we have to leave?"

He lean down and peck my lips. "I'm sorry love but my mother is in LA, she promise it's important."

I pout. I love LA, but I must say I like what Giovanni and I had going on here. Here it was just us, we didn't know anyone here and work didn't get in the way. Here we woke up to paradise.

"I promise I'll make it up to you, just name a place and I'll take you there."

I smile at him, press my palms against his cheeks and kiss him passionately. "You're too sweet. I'll just go and pack my bags."

I turn and left his room but I couldn't help but notice that silly smile he wore.

I return to my room and saw that I had a lot of messages from Evei. I've been spending most of my time with Giovanni that I didn't even check my phone. I throw the phone back on the bed, she will just have to wait until later when I'm alone, that also reminds me that I need to get a new SIM card. I curse under my breath, Fisher was another reason why I'd like to stay in paradise for a couple more days.

Giovanni Haynes

For once in my life I was happy with the LA traffic. It was 8:31 pm and I was on my way to drop off Ciara, I can't say I'm in much hurry to get home. My mother was waiting there and I did not wish to speak to her about what she had called to inform me about earlier. I really don't give a shit what happen to those people.

"Is everything alright Giovanni? You've been silent for the past ten minutes." Ciara's sweet voice says from next to me as her gorgeous grey eyes look at me.

"Yeah, just thinking."

"Okay, I'm right here if you want to tell me what's on you're mind." She says.

That's one other thing I like about her, she's curious to know what's on my mind and that shows me that she cares despite of her wanting what we have to be unlabelled. It pisses me off, the one woman I want the world to know belongs to me refuses to even have me call her my girlfriend.

I bet it had something to do with that idiotic ex of hers.

"I hope you remember you said that whenever I feel like venting." I smirk knowing that was never going to happen. I rather listen and try to solve her problems than throw mine at her.

"Of course I will." Was her reply.

I pull into her drive way and park the car. I turn to look at her but she was busy staring ahead.

"Are you coming in with me?" She ask.

Does she not want me to? "Do you want me to?"

I frown at her hesitation, "I do." Here I am thinking of how much I'll miss her and she doesn't even seem to want me to come in with her.

"Are you just saying that because it's the right thing to say?"

Her big grey eyes look at me as if she was trying to solve the most difficult problem. "Don't be silly Giovanni and let's go."

We got out of the car and I help her with her bags, we walk the short distance to her front door. I stood next to her as she search for her keys and that's when I notice a bouquet of dead red roses. My anger grew, who could have left her roses? My curiosity got the best of me and I stoop down to pick them up.

"I'm sorry for breaking your heart, please forgive me." I read the note attached.

"What?" I hear Ciara say as she finally got the door to open. "Where'd you get that?"

I nod towards the floor before following her inside. "Is it you're ex?" I ask coldly.

She switch the light on before tossing her bag on the white leather sofa. I place her bags close to it then follow her to her kitchen.

"Do you want something to drink?" She ask ignoring my question. I refuse her offer and repeated myself.

"Must be, who cares if it's him?" I do. I thought but instead kept my mouth shut, I didn't want to scare her away especially when I could not even call her my girlfriend.

How do I know where I stand with this woman?

"Are you going to forgive him?"

I watch as she screws the cork back on her water bottle and close the distance between us. She peck my lips repeatedly much to my satisfaction before looking into my eyes. "You have nothing to worry about, he's like those flowers to me."

She took them off the counter where I had place them and toss them in the waste bin.


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