Chapter one

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Andy pov

My eyes snap open. I can hear quiet animal sounding steps. I can see the cracks in the roof and i can feel the ground under me.

The small stones stick into my back. I sit up with surprising speed. A bag pack sits a few meters away. My bag maybe?

I don't remember.

The faint scar on my hand catches my attention, it's the shape of teeth, looking like something bit me. The bite might look human but a human bite doesn't make you feel like you're burning alive.

I'm different now, i can feel it. The burning in my throat hurts and i can feel hunger clawing inside me. I guess i must be like whatever bit me. I look through the bag and find a few pens and a jacket.

The first thing that happened when i tried opening the door was that i accidentally ripped it off. I just stared wide eyed at the door in my hand before dropping it. It broke when it landed on the ground. The disco ball effect i got from walking into the sun made me giggle. I twirl around a few times. Whatever i am now, it's definitely not human.

Time skip

The intense burning hunger made me lash out at a few hikers crossing my path. The lack of remorse i felt bothered me a little but the blood had tasted so good. I keep the hood of my jacket up to avoid glittering and risk freaking anyone out.

For three weeks i just walk around, eating anyone i came by but after a few days it started getting harder to find food.  The hunger made me angry and clouded my brain.

Time skip.

The sun shone on me making me look like a disco ball. It's been a while since i last fed and i can feel my sanity slowly slipping away and giving place to the hunger. Knowing that if i don't eat soon i will go crazy, i quicken my pace and to my luck i find a small town. The town is mostly empty, except for the injured human a little further away from me. My brain shut down and soon the only thing i could taste was the sweet, sweet blood running down my throat.

A body almost slamming into me, alerts me to not being alone. With a furious look i throw the guy back. He goes through the brick wall and rolls on the ground before getting back up. I hold my prey closer, not willing to give up my food.

"Sam, back off. She can't be more than three weeks, and she'll fight to death over her food."

My head snaps towards the new voice. A guy taller than me, with short brown hair and red eyes studies me. "I think she's the childe of that nomad that passed through two weeks ago."

A slightly shorter black haired guy looked a little more weary. The first guy looked amused when i continued eating while keeping an eye on them. He backed up a little to show he meant no harm. "We won't take your food."

I finish the human and let it drop to the ground. A punch from the guy that i sent through the wall makes me fly a bit before landing. I growl and charge at him fully intending to kill.

We fight until i manage to get him into a headlock and i separate his head from his shoulders. Not knowing where to go from there i drop the head.

Slow claps sends my adrenaline spiking again and i turn to the other two. The brownhaired guy smirks. "Do you know how to really finish him off?" I shake my head slowly. He tosses me a lighter. "Lit him on fire, try not to hurt yourself."

I step over the body, still facing them as i lit the him on fire. I jump back in surprise as the flames goes quite high. For a few seconds i just stare. Every instinct in me says the flames are dangerous and to run but somehow i manage to ignore it "No one were by your side when you woke up. That's obvious. Would you like to know what you are?" He asked with a smirk.

Tell me what you think :)

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