Chapter three

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Andy pov

After five months i managed to work myself up to one of the commanding positions. I was one of the few that lead others into battle. Most younger newborns are still tereffied of me but i don't really care.

Alex and another of the older ones, Gemma, talked to me whenever we spent time in the warehouse. Alex and i became good friends. He's not one of the gifted in the army but an amazing strategiest. Apparently once you turn a year old you are killed unless they have a good reason to keep you. Cole informed me that i wouldn't need to worry about that thanks to my gift. He seemed very happy about it.

Third pov

Jane stood with her brother as they watched the newborn army. Aro wanted them to return soon as they were planning to get rid of it.

It's short i know but it's the best i can do at the moment. I will be focusing on school so i won't be able to write as much.

Who do you think her mate/ mates will be?

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