Chapter eleven

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Third pov

"You will need to learn how to properly control your gift or this can go to hell reeaal fast." Peter said as they walked out of the house. "Which is also why we are not doing this inside."

The night outside was dark. Not that it mattered to the three vampires. They could see well anyways.

A grin crept up on Andy's face. "Afraid i'll set the house on fire?"

Peter chuckled. "A little. Never know what might happen."

"And here i thought you 'knew shit.'"

Charlotte held back laughter as she saw her mates jaw drop. Andy had been with them for two weeks but she only recently started cracking jokes.

"You wound me, baby vamp."

The redheaded vampire gave him a slightly sour look. "I'm not a baby."

Charlotte smiled. "Sorry honey, but you are."

"Fine..." The sour look turned into a smirk. "But doesn't that make Yoda over there an old man?"

Peter's head wipped arount to look at them just as Charlotte burst into laughter. "Hey, i'm not that old!"

Time skip

"Okay, start with what you can do."

Andy nodded and let the familiar burning warmth engulf her and soon she was on fire.

To the outside it looked like a fairytale. The veins that had previously held blood in her human life now started glowing red, spreading a warm light as she slowly lit on fire. It visibly didn't bother her as she stood like a living torch.

The mated pair had never seen anything like it and for some time they stood there, stunned.

When the red haired newborn let the fire die out she looked expectantly at them.

"That was beautiful." Charlotte gained her voice first. "What more can you do?"

"Well, i can light other things, and people on fire. That's pretty much all. Cole didn't care to find out more of what i could do."

Peter clapped his hands together. "Why don't we talk more about this after we've eaten?"

Time skip

Finding food wasn't hard and the two older vampires let Andy eat first.

It was interesting in a way to see how she shut off and made quick meals out of the two grown men twice her size.

This is what i could come up with at the moment.

Vote and comment, it keeps me motivated :)

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