Chapter five

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Third pov flashback

After some time watching the newborn army Aro decided that bringing Elazar in to locate those with gifts would be a good idea. You could never be too careful when planning to take newborn armies down.

He observed the newborns together with other guards and managed to point out most gifted ones. However the big surprise in the army was the obviously young female that during training literary set herself on fire. At first they had thought something went wrong but soon the realized that was not the case.

The gift she had combined with being six months at most made her the most dangerous one. Aro had been both delighted and troubled when he saw her abilities through the guards minds. Fire was their weakness and strength wouldn't do much against gifts like that.

That was how it was decided that Caius would go. He was, other than the other kings, the strongest and most experienced fighter in the coven and the guard. If they couldn't reason with the redheaded newborn then they would at least have a chance to defeat her.

Flashback end

While the armie had been filled with strong and good fighters the Volturi was stronger. It did help that they had the witch twins with them.

Andy might not have a short fuse but when she did get angry she was the kind of person you wanted to avoid. And now she was furious. The fight around her wasn't in their favour but there was no chance in hell she was going to let them kill her without a fight.

In her anger she grabbed the closest cloaked person and burned him to ashes. What stopped her was a blonde man going close enough for hand to hand combat. He was fast enough to make her unable to use her gift. Every bit of her focus went to making sure she didn't get her head ripped off.

Caius had collected himself quickly once he realized who the fiery redhead actually was to him, and in addition his brothers.

For the first time in a long time he had to put as much focus as possible in not letting his opponent, in this case his newborn mate, win.

Her movements were graceful but it was obvious she was frustrated that he could keep up with her. "Do tell, how did a beautiful flower like you end up here?"

She growled at him. "None of your buissnes!"

He chuckled and grabbed on one her legs before flipping her on her back. She was up just as quickly and got in quite a hit to his sternum.

"Why are you fighting? You have to realize there is more to vampire life than being someone's pawn." He watched, saw the quick flicker of uncertainty flash over her face, and decided to strike. In a quick fluid motion he had her back pinned to his chest and her arms in a tight hold.

"Would you please listen to me? I think i can explain a few things your maker neglected to tell you." He purred softly.

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