HolyIceShipping (Dumon x Rio)

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It was a normal day in Heartland City, very rare according to Rio Kastle, the Ice Queen, Sword of Ice....and most amazing girl Dumon had ever met. In all their lives and forms. In his Past Life, he had never had the chance to show her or tell her but in his Barian form it had also been easier to show his love because of all of their troublesome situations. But now Dumon was going straight to her. To tell her the way that he's always felt. 


"Dumon, wake up, we're here little buddy." Dumon was shook and opened his very grey eyes. Himself and his family (his sister and his father) had been travelling to the United Lands of the Poseidon Ocean for three days and they were finally here.

The castle was grand, pure marble inside. Dumon held onto his little sister's hand  as they walked through the palace, and were guided into the throne room. 

"Your highness, may I present my son and daughter Dumon and Sara." His father placed a hand on his back and gave him a gentle shove forwards. Sara followed. The King bowed his head towards the two children.
"An honour. I actually have a son and daughter myself."
" Is that so, your highness? See, Dumon, I told you that you weren't going to be alone." The King smiled at Dumon, then looked towards a guard.
" Sebastian, would you be so kind as to escort the children here?"
"Of course your majesty." Sebastian bowed and minutes later, he returned with two children. One a girl, one a boy like Dumon and his sister. The boy was clearly older, but not by much. Himself and his sister had sparkling eyes, the boy's dark blue, and the girl's an enchanting magenta. 
" Nash, Marin, may I present my closest friend and ally, Michael Seraph and his children Dumon and Sara." Nash seemed as Royal as his father and bowed in the children's direction. At the time, he had only been five like Dumon. Marin dived over to Dumon and Sara making them jump.
"Father, new friends!"
"Marin...." Nash face-palmed. You can see he was very much ready to rule. The court had always pushed the rules of being Royal and such on him, he was used to it.
" Now Nash, there's nothing wrong with your sister being excited. Now, why don't yourself,  Dumon, Sara and Marin go play in the grounds?"
"Yes, Father." Nash and Marin nodded.

Here they were years later, Nash had just dubbed Dumon a knight. His most loyal knight. Dumon was clad in armour whilst Nash was dressed in a mesh shirt, blue cape and golden armour. His sister was dressed in a priestess outfit and looked beautiful in Dumon's opinion.

He'd remembered that day when receiving his memories back. He remembered everything clearly. And now he was going to tell Marin, Rio (any name was fine with him,) that he loved her. Even for a knight, this was going to be difficult.

Now his flashback to his past life was over, Dumon continued to walk in a steady pace to the Kastle's house. He was so nervous. Rio was the first and only girl he'd ever been in love with so it was natural.
knock knock
Dumon waited seconds, which to him felt like minutes, until Rio opened the door.
"Hi, Dumon! Oh my gosh, it's been a while hasn't it? Last time we saw each other was the defeat of Chaos! How's Mach? Have you seen the other emperors?"
"H-Hello, Rio. Yes, it has been quite a while. Three weeks. Mach's fine. I've seen every emperor. Heather's settling in very well. Vector seems to be helping her. Mizar as well. Which is strange because he's only just come to this world himself." Rio did a hand gesture that signalled for Dumon to come in. It looked like Rio was completely home alone. Which was good because he really needed to confess alone.
"So, what brings you here? It feels as if you've been avoiding me." Rio sighed whilst sitting down on the sofa patting her hand next to her. Dumon sat next to the former Priestess, Princess and Barian, unsure if he was ready but knowing he'd got this far he couldn't back down now.
" I came because....well...I kind of really.....ugh Rio, I've liked you in every life we've had. Our past, Barian and this one. I love you." Dumon glanced away but glanced back at the female Kastle when her delicate, soft hands touched his.
"Dumon, I love you too. I always have done. Did you see my reaction to your death? Well, of course you didn't." Rio laughed. 

"All the danger you were in in Astral World, I was by your side in the hospital you know." Dumon's big grey eyes stared into her magenta ones, seeing them showing pure truth. Dumon couldn't say anything else because her lips were on his. One of her hands slipped to his neck and her other followed. Dumon proceeded to hold her waist and the two shared there first, yet passionate kiss until.....
" What the hell do you two think you're doing on my sofa?!" Rio wasn't home alone. Reginald "Shark" "Nash" Kastle was fuming at the sight of his beloved sister sat on a sofa being kissed by his most loyal friend (Yuma and Dumon are tied.)
"N-Nash.....umm." Dumon released his grip on Rio's waist.
"Dumon, be a star and go chop some peppers and onions. I quite fancy a salad for tea." Reginald shot up stairs and the two former Barians laughed as muffled screams could be heard from his room. So Rio decided to be cheeky. She grabbed her Duel Disk, opened her brother's door just a crack and filmed him having a fit. What she did next? She posted it on her schools social sight. Who knew Dumon would be such an inspiration and help in her chaos? Nonetheless, she loves him.

A/N: If there are bits if this that you don't understand, like who Heather and Sara are and Chaos, they are references to a story of mine that is published on my Quotev account. (https://www.quotev.com/story/12565186/Book-Three-Somewhere-New-Reginald-Kastle)

13.04.2020 update:
The way that Dumon and Rio confess is different in the story, but I hadn't had it all planned out when I wrote this one shot.

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