Ray/ Vector x Reader Part 2

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Powerful winds whisper around us, pulling us away from the ground every second. We had all believed that Don Thousand had been held down by Vector, but that was simply not the case. Now, we were all in perilous danger, essentially facing our demises. How ironic that would be, all of us sharing Vector's fate. 

"Wait, I beg your forgiveness!" Vector screeches. The winds become even stronger, as the carrot-haired Barian desperately tries to grip onto something- anything- to save him. His hand slips in a crack, but it will not stay there.

"No! This can't be! It can't end like this! Someone help me!" He shouts. For a moment, I see a glimmer of Ray Shadows. My throat feels bruised. Ray...the boy of whom I had fallen in love with, only for him to turn out to be a Barian. His plan had been twisted, but even after the tough events of Sargasso, I found it even tougher to let go of my feelings for Ray. Well, I guess I mean Vector. Ray was everything. Even despite his mendacity, I sensed that some of Ray's actions had not been an act. I refused to believe that his apparent feelings for me were an act as well. 

"Vector!" Myself and Yuma call. We sprint through the winds, but Yuma reaches him first. 

"Yuma!" Tori calls. 

"Come back Yuma!" Astral orders. As Vector's hand finally slips, he screams out. Yuma holds his hand out. 

"I got ya! Grab my hand! Whatever you do, don't let go!" Yuma shouts. 


"Hang on tight!" Yuma advises. 

"This is most amusing. The helpless helping the hapless!" Don Thousand exclaims. 

"What do you think you're doing?" Tori calls. My feet begin to slip. 

"Yuma, (Y/N), you are in great peril!" Astral calls to us. My foot slips, and I grab onto a stray rock. 'Yuma...please save him...save all of us....'

"Yeah, I know but I can't give up now!" Yuma replies. 

"Yuma, you know as well as I! He'll just betray us again!" Nash speaks for the first time. He says 'us' as if we are still allies. 

"Maybe he will, but that's a chance I'm willing to take!" Yuma declares. "No matter what he's done-" Yuma starts. 

"Everyone deserves a second chance!" We both declare. Vector looks at me, eyes shining. 

"Yes, but this would be his 30th chance!" Nash retorts. 

"Vector," Yuma addresses. "I've seen the good in you; I saw it in Ray Shadows!" He declares. "We had awesome times together! You were my friend." Yuma proclaims. "Let's give this thing another go, pal, whaddya say?" Yuma asks. Unfortunately, I already anticipated his answer. 

"I say that...you've gotta be the most trusting simpleton who's ever lived!" I hold my head down. 'Is it really all so pointless...?'

"You really wanna hang out some more, let's do it!" 

"Yuma!" Astral yells. Vector's insane laughter resounds. "Come with me to Endsville!" Yuma's response to this amazes me. 

"Sure, if that's what it takes! I'll stick by your side because helping a friend is the Ray Way!" Yuma tells. One of his tears lands on a stunned Vector's cheek. Yuma's right. Vector himself introduced the Ray Way to us, and even if it was an act, it was still his. That had to have meant something. 

"Yuma..." Vector moves his hand. 

"What're you doing?" 

"You're really awesome, Yuma. Our worlds need more of you, and less of me." Vector admits. My throat becomes dry. He isn't...

"Hang on, what are you saying?" Yuma questions fearfully. 

"I'm saying goodbye." Vector tells. 

"No!" I scream. Vector lets go of Yuma's hand, and I jump forward, catching him. 

"I'm not letting you do this!!" I shout at him. 

"(Y/N)? What...why are you here?" 

"I've been here the entire time." I try to joke, laughing slightly. My lips are wobbling. 

"I mean here...helping me." 

"Because some part of me still cares about Ray. And I know he's a part of you. So I don't care how pathetic you think I am, I've been brought up to see the best in people. And the best in you is Ray. He taught me so much, he was an awesome guy. He was truly sweet, and kind, and he made me smile. I'd lost my smile until Ray came along and that's what made me love him...love you." Vector's mouth falls open. 


"That's why I'm still holding on, silly billy." I tease. That was a common nickname between us when he was Ray. A sunny beam spreads across Vector's face. 

"I love you too, (Y/N). My silly billy." Vector says, trying to let go. 

"If you love me, let me go." He recites, words from our favourite song. 

"Coz these words are knives and often leave scars." I follow. It's true. His words and goodbye is paining me, like a knife in my back, and this experience will lead me with scars.

"The fear of falling apart..." Vector finally cries. 

"Truth be told, I never was yours...the fear of falling apart." We say together. 

"Let me go, (Y/N)." I nod at him- and release myself. 

"(Y/N)!" I hear Yuma, Tori, Astral, and even Nash call for me. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Vector demands. 

"This is the beat of my heart- being with you forever...Ray." His soft kiss is the last thing I feel before being consumed by Don Thousand, into his darkness. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2019 ⏰

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