OOC Kite Tenjo x Reader

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"(Name)! You'll fall from up there!" Kite shouted. The male tried to remain cool, but if she fell, would he be able to catch her? Who knew?
"Relax, Kite. I'll be fine." As she said that, (Name)'s foot caught a loose branch and she fell, screaming. She was high up in the tree after all.
"(Name)!" Kite shouted. He tried to catch her but she landed on his shoulders and in the shock, Kite's legs failed him and he fell to the ground. Grass now tickled his ears. The only sound he could hear- apart from the throbbing in his head- was (Name)'s laugh. Wait. Laugh?
"Why the hell are you laughing, (Name)? If I wouldn't have caught you, you might be unconscious or worst." Kite tried to keep his voice level, but the 'or worst' part of his sentence had worried him.
"Oh, come on. Lighten up Kite! It could have happened to anyone."
"That's not my point. My point is that you could have seriously injured yourself. I know I have anyway." Kite's head was spinning and his shoulders felt as if they had just died. His left arm felt numb and he could see a bruise beginning to form. There was a small cut on (Name)'s face and that was about it.
"Don't you think this is like the scene from The Lion King?" (Name) asked grinning.
"The one where Scar kills Mufasa? Definitely." Kite pouted. Would she get up now? She was heavier than she looked.
"No, the one where Nala and Simba play after finding each other." Kite's eyes widened slightly as he realised what his mischievous friend meant.
"No." Kite said, pushing (Name) off. She groaned but sat straight back up.
"OK, nothing wrong with another attempt. I'm never gonna give up!" She said and started to climb the tree again.
"(Name)! It's getting late. You should be heading back to the city. I left Hart with Orbital." Kite frowned causing (Name) to pout.
"But I have to stay with my brother. And (brother's name) hates me."
"(Name). You are not coming round to mine." Kite said sternly.
"Please? Come on, Kite. There's caramel in my bag." Kite's eyes widened.
"Prove it." (Name) jumped from the tree and grabbed her bag from the base, pulling out three bags of caramel. Kite couldn't resist. He tried to grab one, but his devious friend shifted slightly so he hit his head on the tree.
"Let me stay over."
"Fine. But you're having the sofa." Kite sighed, rubbing his head and walked off with (Name) following behind.

Hart was so glad (Name) had come over that night. She and him played to their hearts content until Kite sent his younger brother to bed. Kite sat on the sofa with a massive bowl filled with caramel.
"Here." Kite offered the bowl to her. (Name) dipped her hand into the bowl and smiled at Kite.
"You're really good with Hart." Then Kite regretted his words.
"Oh, (Name), I'm so sorry." Kite slapped his head and covered his mouth. (Name) shook her head.
"Noah's gone now. Hart's just like him." She said. Kite wrapped his arms around her and she cuddled into his chest. She missed her little brother every day and Kite was the only person she'd ever told. She was a private person, a bit like Kite. That's how they clicked so much.
"I really care about you (Name)."
"I know you do. That's why you were worried about me before. I was being quite reckless."
"That I won't argue with." Kite said and (Name) looked at him.
"You can stay angry at life for not giving you what you want or you can feel blessed for being given all you need." Both hearts skipped a beat. She couldn't believe how she was seeing him now. Her (colour) eyes seemed so different now. They were letting Kite in for once. He moved closer, to see what would happen. (Name) couldn't believe he was this close to her, but something was keeping her there. A strand of her (colour) hair fell down over her eyes and Kite moved it away. However, his hand remained on her face and he could feel his heart beating faster. Should he...? 'Come on, Kite. Just get a grip.' He loved her. He was fed up of taking this moment in slow motion, so he moved the girl towards him and their lips touched. Kite loved her and had done for two whole years now. Her arms flew around his neck. She didn't want or need to hesitate. Neither of them wanted their moment to end. But it had to. Kite decided them that he would always protect her.


"(Name). I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you. Just wake up, (Name). Come climb a tree with me. Tease me about caramel. Anything. I just want to talk to you. About anything." Kite held his girlfriend's cold hand. The hospital was dismal. The whole world seemed like that now.
"Please." Two tears rolled down Kite's cheeks and landed on (Name)'s own cheeks. Kite closed his eyes, trying to block out the thought of losing her. He wouldn't be able to cope.
"K-Kite? What's with the...cr-crying?" His eyes flew open as he saw (Name) smiling up at him. Her eyes weren't as bright as normal but that flicker of light was there.
"You're OK! Thank God, I thought I'd lose you!" Kite's arms flew around her and he nuzzled into her shoulder. (Name) couldn't believe she was seeing such weakness from him.
"W-What happened?" She asked.
"You were attacked. If Shark hadn't saved you, you'd be a goner. He called me as soon as you guys got here. You worried me! You had me thinking you were going to die! You had a few incidents whilst you were sleeping."
"H-how long have I b-been here?"
"3 months. You've been in a coma. Shark and Rio have visited often with Mizar as well. Him and Heather were so worried. In fact, they're all due in 10 minutes." Kite explained making (Name) happy. She loved Heather and Rio. They were the only two girls she ever really got on with. Shark was like a little brother to her. Mizar was her best friend and always would be. The Barian trouble was all over and Mizar had helped Kite and everyone else in Barian World.

A few weeks later, (Name) was discharged from the hospital. Kite was waiting outside with Orbital and (Name)'s car.
"Hey! That's my car, Tenjo!"
"And? (Name). I want to ask you something." Kite said.
"I want to keep you safe. Move in with me?" She couldn't believe what her boyfriend of three years had just asked.
"Yeah. I will move in with you!" (Name) hugged Kite, making him stumble backwards, as he hadn't expected that.
"Yay!" Hart squealed from inside the car. (Name) giggled and climbed in the front of the car with Kite.
"Does this mean you and big brother will get married?" Hart asked as Kite started driving making him brake.
"Hart!" Kite said making (Name) smile and look at Hart.
"Maybe one day. It depends on what your brother wants." Hart's eyes lit up and Kite smirked. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all.

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