Reginald Kastle x Reader

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"Come on, you gotta tell (Y/N) how you feel!" Rio urged her brother, who jumped in surprise.

"It's 6:30! Stop shouting!" Shark stifled a yawn and walked down the stairs with Rio trailing behind.

"Reginald!" Rio said. "It's clear you like her and she likes you, I'm sure." This, this is what Shark had to live with. Not the innocent girl everyone else saw. Not just a pretty face as Rio often commented.

"Look, Rio. I don't want to tell (Y/N) that I like her! It'll ruin everything. This is 13 years'a friendship I'm talking about." The purple haired male grabbed an apple off the side and walked upstairs and Rio followed again until he slammed the door in her face. Rio waited a few minutes and went to make her breakfast. Her brother emerged from his room five minutes later with his school uniform on after checking the coast was clear and ran silently downstairs, throwing his shoes on at the front door. He hopped in his maroon runner and drove. He wasn't sure where, but certainly not school yet. Not at 6:45. He had another hour and a half until school. He rode around the city, stopping at the bridge, seeing a familiar figure picking a flower to pieces on the edge of the canal. '(Y/N)?' He thought. Her long (colour) hair ran down her back and her (colour) eyes shone in the sunrise. She captivated him. (Y/N) looked up and peered over her shoulder to see him. (Y/N) quickly threw the petal-less flower into the canal, and beamed at him.

"What you doing here so early?" She asked.

"I could ask the same for you." Shark sat down beside her.

"Meh, couldn't sleep."

"What was all that stuff with the flower about?" He asked making her blush a little.

"I-I like someone I guess." (Y/N) rolled over so she couldn't see him. Shark felt a bit empty, but little did he know the boy on his best friend's mind was him.  

"Who?" He asked, keeping his voice level.

"I can't tell. You'd hate me."

"I could never hate you." Shark said. He'd just feel a bit emptier than usual. She made him smile and he loved her for everything she'd ever tried to do for him and Rio.

"I trust you and all. I just can't." On her last sentence, (Y/N) rolled over and hadn't realised how close Shark was to her. Her lips were now on his. It felt nice. A tingling sensation was on her lips. His were warm. (Y/N) widened her eyes and pushed Shark away, making him roll over. He couldn't believe it. She'd kissed him. Who cared that it was accidental, she'd kissed  him. Of course, though, she felt awful and when he rolled over, she looked at him apologetically.

"I'm so sorry Shark."

"Hey, don't be."

"I kissed you." She said now on the verge of crying. "Accidentally." She added.

"It's alright. I kinda liked it." Shark said before getting up to go to his runner.

"You coming?" She nodded, smiling. 'He liked it?' She thought, shyly. 

"(Y/N)?" Shark asked as he dropped her off at her house.

"Yes, Reginald?"

"I-I love you." He got out and kissed her with passion: she wrapped her arms around his neck whilst he smirked. (Y/N) felt that tingling sensation again. As did Shark.

"You're my first kiss." Shark muttered and walked away, smiling.


"Yeah, (Y/N)?"

"I was your first kiss?"

"Yeah you were." Shark looked back.

" You know, I've always had a thing for you. Not just coz you're beautiful." Shark said and hopped in his runner, leaving his words in (Y/N)'s mind. She jumped up and down on her doorstep.

"Yes! Yes!" She laughed. Reginald Kastle loved her! Yes!

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