Alito x Reader

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"Awe, come on (Name), that's totally unfair!!" Alito complained as you won yours and Alito's fourth duel in a row. You giggled as you walked over to help him up off the floor. The dark haired boy took your hand and pouted at you, before tickling your waist, making you fall to the floor in hysteric laughter.
"Aliiiiito~!" People in the park gaze at you both with fond expressions, most of them thinking about how good you look together; people often made that mistaken assumption. Yourself and Alito had become extremely close after the Numbers War, something that you had mixed feelings about. Yes, you were beyond happy that you had made such a good friend, but ever the cliché, you had fallen for the past warrior. His cheeky attitude and grin made it easy to like him, but then again, you didn't really know anyone that didn't like Alito. He was magnetic, made to be noticed.
"St-Stop!!" You cried as the emerald eyed boy laughed with you. Yes, with you. To be quite honest, Alito found you incredibly cute when you were like this. On the duel field, you were powerful, yet off it, you were quite...well, that was just it- Alito couldn't place what you were.
You both lay down on the summer greened grass, breathing heavily trying to recover from your shared laughter. Your hand lay besides Alito's, which he noticed. Taking it, he stares into your (colour) eyes. Your pale cheeks heat up.
"I-Is there s-something you want, Alito?" You ask weakly.
"Of course there is, my dear (Name). I. Want to take you. To dinner." Alito tells. (A/N: The full stops are intentional, because he pauses when he says that)
"S-Sure." You grin at him and he grins back. The next evening, you are sat with Tori as she helps you get ready for Alito.
"Oh, (Name), it will be brilliant!" The green haired girl squeals. You blush, looking at the ground.
"It's not an actual date, Tor. We're not a couple or anything." You reason.
"Not yet! But you could be! And Alito, he's so sweet! He'll treat you like a princess!" You scoff.
"You only know that because of his original crush on you. Who's to say that he doesn't still have those feelings?" You ask.
"(Name)! I can promise you, I know that he doesn't." You look up at the mirror to see that Tori is smirking; just what is she hiding?
"Toriiiiiiii!!" The door to Tori's bedroom quickly flies open to reveal a very excited looking Yuma.
"Alito's finally got a date with (Name)!" Yuma cheers, and then stops to evaluate the scene before him.
"Oh, hi (Nickname). You look great!" The hyper teen says sheepishly. Tori is glaring at him, but nobody says anything more as the doorbell rings. You look at the clock to see that it is 6:30, the time Alito said he would pick you up. You both felt a little strange that he was picking you up from Tori's house, but as long as the date happened, you weren't bothered. Tori and Yuma ran down the stairs to open the door. As you walked along the landing, checking your reflection one last time in a hallway mirror, you could hear your two best friends conversing with Alito.
"I bet you're really excited, Alito! Haven't ya wanted to take (Name) on a date for, like, ever?!" Yuma exclaims, and Tori shushes him.
"Yuma, she'll hear you!!"
"Oops." Was what Yuma said really true? Had Alito wanted to take you on a date for a long time? You fixed a calm smile on your face, trying to calm your racing heart before walking to the top of the stairs.
"I believe I heard my name, Yuma." You tease as all three of your friends look up at you. Alito's mouth is open in an 'o' shape. As you walk down the stairs, you keep your eyes on him. His attire consists of a white shirt and casual black jeans. As you descend, Alito moves your spiky haired friend out of the way with his arm (like he did to Tori after his and Yuma's first duel) and meets you at the bottom of the stairs.
"You look amazing." He says, holding out an arm for you to hold.
"Thanks." You take his outheld arm.
"Bye, guys." You glance at Tori nervously.
"You can do this." She whispers, shutting the door behind you both.As it turns out, dinner was actually extremely pleasant. Alito had gone to the effort of booking a table in advance for you both at one of your favourite Italian restaurants in the city. You both had an inside joke about how Alito's tastes for Italian foods must be because his past life was spent on the coast of Italy. He also knew that you had quite a weak spot for garlic pizza and carbonara. (But he didn't know that you had a weak spot for him ;) ) As per usual, the waiter mistook you both for a couple which you were about to deny, only for Alito to use it to his advantage.
"Yes, indeed sir, we are. Isn't she just a little stunner? Glad I got her in time for your Couple's Menu" Alito quips as he reaches for your hand across the table. The waiter retorts with laughter.
"You are a very lucky girl to have a boyfriend like this." The waiter tells you. You smile graciously. 'If only you knew.' You thought.
"Yes, I am." You reply, rubbing your thumb along Alito's hand. After that, Alito orders for the both of you, leaving you surprised that he knows exactly what you want. (Or so he thinks ;P)

Service was quite good, and it wasn't long before your meals arrived. You were thankful for this, because it saved you having to make small talk with Alito. Yes, he was one of your closest friends, and you had eaten out with him before but not like this. You had both eaten out at fast food chains before, but those weren't dates like this. You had both been in casual clothing, and acted casual. In fact, it was whilst you were eating breakfast at a fast food chain one morning when you realised you had feelings for the brave boy.

It was only around half nine when yourself and Alito met that morning. You were both planning a surprise for Girag's birthday. Or, actually, Alito was planning the surprise, and had asked you to help him. You had both agreed to meet in one of the fast food places for nine thirty so that you could have breakfast and then proceed to buy his presents.
"Good morning!" Alito greeted, waving. You weren't as enthusiastic since you weren't a morning person, and he knew that.
"Awe, c'mon, (Name). Let's get breakfast, then you'll feel fine!" Alito gripped your hand lightly as he pulled you through the door, and because it was something he had never done before, you lightly blushed. You both ordered on the machine, using Alito's card to pay. He had ordered a breakfast wrap, but you just ordered three hash browns due to your fondness for them. Your dark haired friend had laughed at this.
"What?" You asked, smiling.
"Nothin'. Nothin' at all." Alito teased, gently kicking your foot under the table.
"Rude." You joked.
"Weirdo." Alito fired back. You threw a wrapper at him.
"Meanie." You pouted playfully.
"Ah, you love me really~"
"Dream on, lover boy." You retorted, but there was a significant increase in your heart beat.

Back in present day, you couldn't keep your eyes off Alito. You had both finished and were waiting on deserts. He was messing with a rose that was in a small vase on the table. He glanced up at you, smiling.
"You have enjoyed this, haven't you?" He asks, slightly shy.
"Yes, of course."
"(Name), I actually have something for you." Alito brandishes a small box and pushes it over to your side of the table. You open it to see a beautiful ring. It was silver with a rose design. You leant over the table to kiss his cheek, which made him blush.
"Alito, it''s...gorgeous!" You exclaim.
"May I?" He asks. You nod. Alito takes your hand in his, and gently puts the ring on your right ring finger. A waitress arrives with your dessert, as Alito hadn't wanted one. It was your favourite ice cream in a tall glass, which had two spoons, one on either side. The waitress smiled as she left.
"Well, I guess we're sharing dessert." You laughed. After dessert, Alito had paid the bill and you both took a walk down the pier.
"Alito?" You ask shyly.
"Yes, (Name)?" He turns to look at you, moonlight catching his eyes. You don't really know what compelled you to say what you said next, but you said it anyway.
"I-I think...I'm in love with you." The 'L' word was one you tried to refrain from using everywhere. You had never told anyone apart from your family that you loved them. You of course had had crushes before Alito, but then, Alito was more than just a schoolgirl crush to you. He was your best friend, your partner in crime, your Clyde in Bonnie and Clyde, your companion, your anger and your happiness, your pain and your joy. In short, he was everything. This was no crush or simple like. This was love for you.
"I was wondering what I'd have to do to get you to say that." Alito smirked before putting a hand to your cheek and pulling you towards him. This wasn't happening! You wrapped your arms around his neck, causing him to smirk. His hands rested on your waist.
"But I love you too, (Name)." Alito rested his forehead against yours.

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