Mizar x Reader

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(Name) was just brilliant. She accepted the Barians, their pasts and what they had done. Mizar adored her. She seemed so...amazing to him. He didn't want to admit it. To no one. Such was his pride.

"Hey, Mizar!" A sweet voice called. (H/C) locks blew in the wind around (Name). Her third year uniform was an obvious confusion to Mizar. It was Saturday.

"Uh, (Name)? It's Saturday." He stated bluntly. Her face looked confused.

"Did you not hear? It's School Spirit Day!" Now it was Mizar's turn to look confused.

"School what?"

"So basically, our parents-" (Name) stopped.

"Uh, never mind."

"No go on." (Name) proceeded to tell Mizar just what School Spirit Day was. He chuckled.

"My, my, (Name). I don't think I'll ever get used to this planet's strange habits." (Name) gazed at him, strung onto his accent, the way his eyes were perfect for his features. His past was so troubled, tragic, yet his eyes seemed to now always have that eagerness for life.

"Uh (Name)?" Mizar asked, softly. She shook her head.

"Oh, sorry." She blushed, feeling embarrassed.

"Are you alright?" You're burning up." Mizar asked, worried, as he placed a pale, soft hand on her forehead, making her heart flutter momentarily. (Name) had always wondered would she be able to tell her true feelings to Mizar one day. Would he accept them?

"Uh, Yeah, I'm fine." Mizar's sapphire eyes narrowed and pierced her own (e/c) ones.

"You're clearly not, I'm taking you home." Mizar grabbed (Name)'s hand, dragging her along the route where they often walked to her home together. (Name)'s cheeks were heating crimson, and Mizar's had turned slightly pink. His heart beat fast from inside his chest and he narrowed his eyes in thought.

'Why does she make me feel this way? No one ever has. Not a single soul, even in my past. It's a peculiar thing.'

Soon they arrived at her house and (Name) sat down with her sketch pad, after Mizar fetched her an icy lemonade. She sat drawing for about an hour, a rough sketch of a lake and sunset. Colours blended beautifully, dedication showing. She set the book down on the table, open on that page, whilst she went to the toilet. Although Mizar knew it was an invasion of privacy, he flicked through the book, to find drawings of guitars, microphones, vehicles, and...he stopped. On a page, close to the back was a detailed drawing like no other: hair flying, eyes determined, hand gestures perfect down to the minute detail. Red marks coloured perfectly, a metallic dragon flying in front. This drawing was Mizar, in the middle of a duel. On the side of the page was a small love heart, coloured in a light grey.

"What are you doing?!" (Name) asked, shocked.

"Uh, (Name)." Mizar tried to think of an explanation, but none came to mind. (Name) snatched the book from him.

"It's my personal property!" She cried, bringing the book to her chest.

"(Name). You're an amazing artist and I'm aware I was in the wrong." Mizar pulled the book down gently and gestured at the love heart.

"And I really like you." He confessed. (Name) blinked. Once. Twice. Mizar sighed, pulling the book out of her grip and pressed his lips slowly against hers. Hers were soft, softer than anything. They tasted tropical. (Name) wrapped her arms around his neck slowly, after pulling him towards her to deepen their kiss. His lips tasted of chocolate and bread. Perhaps he'd had chocolate spread on toast for breakfast.

"I feel the same way." (Name) admitted, cheeks flushed and heart racing. Much like Mizar.

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