The Dragon and The Goddess

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A/N: In case you guys haven't known yet, Suzuko Mimori (Kourin's VA) is getting married! I'm so happy for her! ^^

Chapter 2

Kai's POV

I took my sword from the sheath and inspected it. Looking at the metal engraved on it keeps me calm, it's unlikely of me to be this nervous.

Nervous over one minor thing? Yes, I am. The great Kagero leader is being nervous of one thing.

Not so long ago, right after the marriage of Aichi and Kourin, I started to reevaluate my life decisions and thought of something.

The goddess, Misaki.

Sure, she's very serious and all. But ever since I met her, I feel like wanting her and loving her. This is unusual, and I feel really different.

As I looked at the window, I couldn't help but to let out a sigh and groan under my breath. Why am I like this? Why did I suddenly got obsessed with the goddess herself?

I put the sword down and walked out of my room, getting ready for my ceremony.


"The Prince and Princess of United Sanctuary has arrived." I heard one of the guards say.

That's too early for them.

"Kai, hello!" Aichi spoke as he and Kourin approached me.

"Hello." I greeted.

"So what is this ceremony that you are commencing?" He asked and I let out a breath.

"It's an engagement." I said, causing the couple to become shocked.

"Engagement? To who?" The princess Kourin asked.

"Misaki." I told.

"The goddess?! But isn't that hard to get to her?! Let alone marrying her!" Aichi exclaimed; I let out an annoyed sigh.

"So what? I want her- no, I love her." I looked at the large hall as it filled with guests and guards.

"Kai, where is she?" Kourin glanced around.

"She'll be here later."


The hall was full and everyone that I had invited were there, I looked around and still didn't see her. She's getting late.

A few moments later, I heard the guards yell. "The Goddess Misaki has arrived!"

Goddess… Misaki….

I saw her walk in, she was donning a pretty light blue dress. Her lilac hair was long and her blue eyes sparkled as she looked at me.


"Kai, what is this ceremony about?" Misaki said as she went to me and I bowed at her.

"It is a very important ceremony for the leader of the Kagero Clan, so I would like you to bless me." I responded.

"Bless you for what? If you don't clarify then I won't bless you with whatever you want to have." She told me, I just grinned for a second before I knelt in front of her.

We were in front of many guests and I glanced at them, they seemed so shocked. As expected.

"Goddess Misaki, I want you to become my wife. I have fallen for you, and I want you to bless the both of us of happy marriage." I took out a diamond ring.

"Marrying the goddess?!" I heard some of the guests say.

"What the… Kai?" Misaki looked at me confusingly, I bit my lower lip.

"No, I won't marry you." She told me, and I felt my heart shatter.


"This is outrageous. You gathered everyone just for this… this stupid thing!" She exclaimed, though her expression looked angry, I noticed a red tint on her cheeks. "It's a waste of time!"

"Is it really a waste of time if you also want to fall in love with me?" I stated, and that sounded really bad.

"What are you talking about?"

"You've fallen for me as well."

"That doesn't sound like Kai at all!" Ren commented from the audience, causing some to let out laughs.

For the first time in my life, I feel embarrassed.

Misaki let out a sigh and cups my face with her hands, I looked at her and she was smiling at me. Just like a goddess.

"You're an idiotic dragon leader. I will accept your engagement, but in one condition." She told me.

"What is the condition?" I asked.

"You have to court me, and with your own techniques on making me fall for you. If you successfully do it, I will marry you."

I smiled a little and stood up; I nodded, agreeing to her condition.

"As you all have heard, I will do everything to make the goddess Misaki to become my betrothed. This is a ceremony of me becoming the first man to ever marry a goddess, and I swear that I will eventually be able to marry her." I spoke in front of the crowd, and they applauded.

"I will give you a blessing, Kai. I hope you will be successful… I hope." She said as she placed her hand on my forehead and a light appeared.

The audience applauded again.

I smiled and bowed to everyone.

I looked at Misaki as she watched the crowd and smiling; I felt determined from the inside. I knew to myself that I should do whatever I can to make the goddess fall for me.



I guess I should ask Aichi about this.


The Marriage (The Engagement Kingdom AU) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now