A Peaceful Life?

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Chapter 13


[Kourin's POV]

I finally finished my meeting with my fellow soldiers, and I was wearing my military uniform and armor. After the meeting, I rode on my white horse and then went my way back to the palace.

On the way, I saw Aichi walking alone, going on his way to another place. I blinked and thought to myself, 'where is he going?'

"Aichi," I called and earned his attention. He looked back at me and he looked surprised at first, but then he gave a smile at me and he spoke.

"Princess, have you finished your duties?"

"Yes, I'm gonna be on my way back to the palace. How about you?" I asked in curiosity.

"To my hometown, I want to see how mother and Emi are right now." He replied.

"Then, shall I go with you? I don't have anything else to do right now." I suggested and Aichi had this very cute and excited smile. I blushed lightly.

"Sure!" He nodded and went to ride on the horse. Aichi sat behind me and held the rein of the horse.

"Hey, this is my horse! You can't just use it without my permission!" I pouted and Aichi chuckled.

"Well, you might get lost. This is your first time going there after all." He told me and all of a sudden, he kissed my cheek and then we made our way to his hometown.

I wasn't fazed by his kiss, yet I still felt my heart beating when he did that. If it was before I would've smacked him and acted harshly due to embarrassment, yet I didn't. Maybe I really have grown close to my husband...

As we arrived in his hometown, I saw that it was really a nice and peaceful land. The townsmen saw us and they all quickly exclaimed such things like "the princess is here!" and "The royal couple are having their royal date!"

Sigh... well, you could say that it really is a date.

"How is it, Princess?" Aichi spoke, jolting a little and just smiled.

"Well, it is a nice place. It's like everyone here is close to each other." I said.

"Yes, I agree. These people have become my friends and acquaintances, I hope that you'll be the same." Aichi said to me and he let out a chuckle. "Oh, of course you will! They all love the most beautiful blonde princess in the kingdom after all!"

"O-oh... shut up, you..." I just blushed at his statement again and sighed.


When we arrived at his place, both of us got down the horse and I looked at his house. It was cozy and comfortable, I looked around the place and the scenery was great. They had a big yard where the training dummies are, I think this was where Aichi used to train a lot...

"Aichi, welcome back!" I saw Aichi's mother, Shizuka approach us and gave a smile. "Kourin, my beautiful daughter-in-law is here as well!"

"H-Hello!" I gave a bow to her and she gave me a smile as she bowed as well.

"We came here to visit, Mother. This is the first time the princess came here, and I want her to have fun!" Aichi spoke.

"Aw, that's really nice! Come in, both of you. I'm going to make Aichi's favorite chocolate drink!" Mother said and we went to their house.


The day passed and it was already sunset, Aichi and I decided to wander around his place and he kept on telling me so many things about him and his childhood life.

"So... that river over there, I used to swim there a lot. It was fun, actually!" Aichi said.

"Really? How often did you swim there actually?" I asked him as we sat at a grassy field and we could see the river up north.

"Almost everyday!" He replied with a small laugh. "My father scolded me a lot since I always love to jump into the water and wet my clothes, but don't worry! That only happens whenever I'm not training."

I couldn't help but to giggle at his story, it sounded very adventurous and cute. His childhood really was a nice story to tell.

I wonder if our future children will be able to do such things? My mind thought, and I blushed at that. I suddenly had an image of me and Aichi's future, raising kids and letting them play around.

"Kourin? Are you alright?" I heard Aichi's soft voice and I looked at him, his face was close to me and I stared at his sapphire blue eyes.

"Say, Aichi..." I spoke.


"What do you think of having children?"

I saw Aichi's eyes widened in surprise because of my question, but then I noticed that his eyes were gleaming as if he's excited.

"I-I'd love to have children!" He said and smiled widely. "Do you want to, Kourin?"

"Y-yes- I mean! I... uh... well... like I said before, we should have children in the future. Because I thought of us raising kids and letting them have fun on that lake, so I just asked..."

"I was having the same thoughts, Kourin! I guess this is why we really are meant for each other, we think of the same future for us."

"Yeah..." I gave a nod, agreeing to what he just told me. We really do have the same thoughts, and it felt really heartwarming to hear that from him.

I then rested my head on Aichi's shoulder and we both watched as the sun was setting. It was such a calm and peaceful time...

"Princess Kourin, Knight Prince Aichi. You need to go back to the palace this instant." We both heard the voice of Kai, the Dragon Empire leader.

Aichi and I glanced, seeing him riding on his dragon at the sky, and we saw that Misaki was sitting in front of him.

"This instant? What happened?" Aichi asked as we both stood from the grassy grounds.

"I felt a strange aura coming from the southwest. And you two must come back so we can all talk about-"

All of a sudden, there was a loud explosive noise that was heard throughout the town. There were loud screams from the townspeople that saw the explosion in panic.

"We should go back, Kourin!" Aichi told me and I nodded, I looked up and saw Misaki nodding at me and she left with Kai.

I went to ride with Aichi on the horse and we rode back to the palace.

I guess the peaceful life that Aichi and I had thought of won't come for now.


End of Chapter 13

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