*Deep sigh*
It's 2am here...
I just binge watched the first 5 episodes of Doctor Who...
What has my life turned into?
Fuck it all, lets do this.
So anyway, I was watching the tv today and in the show, a girl and a guy we're squaring up. The girl was pretty much a dead even match of the guys in terms of strength and speed. The guy had just been bugging the girl all night and she couldn't take it anymore so she snapped. She punched him in the face and the guy just stared at her. He looks at her and goes, "What the hell, bitch?! You wanna fight?!"
The girl just squares up to the guy and says, "Yeah. You deserve to get your ass beat."
The guy raised his hand to hit her and he stops midway, saying, "Oh, I'm sorry. I don't hit girls." And just turns and walks away.
To that sir, I say, "Absolute bull fucking shit."
Like just what the fuck?!
Now I hate, seriously HATE the stereotype that guys can't hit girls. What are you saying about girls and women through that? That we are weak? That we can't defend ourselves?
Now before you all go batshit on me, hear me out. Yes, I understand that if a guy is much stronger and physically dominant over a girl, it's morally wrong to attack her. But keeping that ideal in mind, does gender really play a factor? If a guy beats down a much smaller, weaker guy, is that still wrong? In my mind, gender is not a factor at all. However you put it, beating someone much weaker than you is wrong. (Unless they fucking deserve it)
For me, if a guy is bitching and getting on my very last nerve, I would beat the fuck out of him in a heartbeat. If you're asking me for a beat down, you're gonna get a hell of a beat down.
Now am I promoting guys hit girls? No.
Am I promoting fighting? (Maybe)
Am I saying violence is never the answer? (Hell, no)
What I'm trying to say is if you're a guy and you're just picking a girl for a fight, she can and should fight back.
People should know that, in my opinion.
Now I know my opinion is going to piss people off so just keep this in mind.
I don't fucking care.
At all.
Let me know in the comments what you think and other topics you want me to get pissed about.

Screw You
RandomI've always wanted to do a hate/rant book but I always thought, "Someone is going to get extremely offended by me!" I then realized I don't care. At all. *Warning: If you are sensitive or easily offended by language, or offensive humor and opinio...