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As the young prince made his way to his father's quarter's, the dragon hatchlings hung onto his clothes as they chattered among each other, their dragon tongue not at all understood by the prince

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As the young prince made his way to his father's quarter's, the dragon hatchlings hung onto his clothes as they chattered among each other, their dragon tongue not at all understood by the prince.

"Oh wow, the master smells really good!" The pink dragon chirped as she nuzzled into his chest, breathing in his natural allure.

"Oi! Stop smelling the master, you psycho!" The green dragon atop the prince's head hissed at the female dragon, gaining the other's attention and causing them to look at him.

"What's with you? Why are you like super protective of the master?" The rock-like dragon inquired with a tilt of his head in confusion.

The yellow dragon joined in, "Yeah, what gives? And how come you're able to get to climb onto his head, but not us?"

"Because I'm better than you all!" He growled back, settling himself into the prince's hair, getting comfortable in the spot he claimed as his, "And as such, I get the best spot on the master."


"That's so not fair!"

Shouto continued through the castle's hallways, being mindful of the little dragons residing on his body. He listened as they chirped and growled back and forth to each other. Hmm, are they communicating with one another? I wonder what they are saying.

The young prince made it to his father's chamber's, walking up to it, but stopped in his tracks when all five of the dragon's instantly began hissing at the large, intimidating door. Shouto was quick to shush them, reassuring them that it was alright, "It's okay, shh, it's nothing, calm down."

However, with the dragons, it was a different story.

"Master! Get away from there! I sense a really bad presence inside there!" The red dragon called out to Shouto as the other dragons continued to hiss.

The aggressive dragon that sat on the prince's head snapped his teeth at the door of the King, hissing out, "Stay on guard, everyone. We must protect the master, no matter what!"

Shouto sighed as his attempts to calm the little creatures failed. He chose to ignore them, and swiftly knocked on the doors of his father's chambers.

"You may come in." The king's deep voice called out from the other side of the door.

The young royal opened the door, walking in quietly before shutting the door behind him. His father was getting dressed for the day with the help of some servants, who were fixing his big cape and smoothing out any wrinkles.

One of the younger maids looked up from polishing the king's boot to meet the eyes of the kingdom's prince, her eyes widening in recognition, "Ah, my prince! Good morniiiiii- what are those on you, your highness?!" The young girl cried out, gaining the attention from everyone in the room.

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