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Shouto stood beside his father as they waited by the entrance of the palace for the arrival of the King and Prince of the Western Kingdom

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Shouto stood beside his father as they waited by the entrance of the palace for the arrival of the King and Prince of the Western Kingdom.

Kirishima and Kaminari each on one of the prince's shoulders, and Mina and Sero each on one of his arms. Bakugou sat in front of the royal prince on the ground.

Endeavor raised his brow at the dragon on the floor, "I'm surprised that he's not sitting on your head."

"He hasn't been lately. I'm not sure why, though." The prince replied, even though he had a feeling he knew why.

The king simply hummed, not entirely interested, "Hmm, well it's a good thing, either way. Now you can wear your crown properly instead of wearing your kingdom's jewel in a necklace."

Almost every kingdom had a special jewel that represented the kingdom. The Kingdom of Endeavor's jewel was a blue gem, despite the kingdom's affinity for fire-based magic. Shouto has the gem encrusted in his crown, as well as his necklace, something his father had forced, saying that it would be unbecoming for the future ruler of Endeavor to not represent the kingdom's jewel.

At the mention of it, the prince reached up to touch the crown resting on his head. He always felt something emanating from the crown and necklace, or more specifically, from the jewel encrusted in them. When he told his siblings and father of this, they had simply laughed at him, saying that they never felt any presence from the jewels. Of course, Shouto decided to never bring up the topic of the jewels again, but still had some kind of inkling.

Shouto let his hand fall from his crown when he hears the heavy sound of hooves hitting the ground. He looked up and saw a large carriage pulled by four white horses make its way to the entrance. It stopped at the steps of the palace, a young man walking up and opening the door of the carriage.

The first one out is King Toshinori. He was an older man, tall, blonde, and lanky; better known for his younger days as a war hero dubbed as All Might. It was also one of the reason King Enji disliked the other king so much. He wasn't a true royal. The title was handed to him for being a war hero, a man who grew up on a farm that joined the royal army to fight for peace.

The next one out is his adopted son, Izuku Midoriya; short, scrawny, and kind. Just like the king, he wasn't of royal blood either. He was a young boy that the king found one day, small and beat up. He had took him in as his own. Having never married or had a child, he declared this boy as his heir.

Shouto's father was the first to say anything, "Good morning, Toshinori. I hope the trip here wasn't too bad." Though to be perfectly honest, the King could care less about how the other king felt.

"Of course not, old friend," the blonde king chuckled as he made his way to the king and prince of Endeavor.

As the king approached them, he eyes landed on the dragons resting on the prince's shoulders and arms. He raised a brow before looking at Shouto, "I see the rumors are true. People far and wide are calling you the Dragon Tamer."

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