No turning back

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Monique's P.O.V


Ugh. I just hate that bell! The school ought to replace it with a music alarm or something, because if they did not, I would soon be forced to smash that thing in or something. I grumbled, making my way up the stairs. Mathematics. I smiled in delight. I just love math. It's one of my favorite subjects! Rounding the corner, I waved hello to Alexandria. She smiled, but I could see that she was the exact opposite of 'happy'. Her eyes wore a droopy and miserable look. She looked exhausted. A worried look crossed her face. I found myself walking towards her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"Can you keep a secret?" she whispered, not answering my question.

"Sure, what is it?" 

"Not now, meet me here again at lunchtime." She sounded fearful.

I nodded, then hurried up the stairs. 

All throughout Mathematics, I thought about Alex. What on earth was wrong with her? I mean, she had always been a tough chick, nothing could easily bug her (well, except boys), so what was she so scared of? 

Mercifully, it was soon lunchtime. I bolted for the stairs, shoving people out of my way and feeling bad doing so. Omg, why was I suddenly so hurried? Sure enough, Alex was waiting for me. She grabbed my arm and pulled me to the end of the corridor. 

"You had better swear never to ever tell anybody about this," she pronounced each word slowly, as if afraid I would not hear. "Especially NOT Paisley."

"I swear."

Alex took a deep breath and started.

"See, I've been having this terrible nightmares, and all of them seem connected to...."

She gulped, not knowing whether to reveal it to me or not. I placed my hand on her left shoulder, giving her an reassuring nod. "You can tell me."

"Okay," she glanced around once, then spoke. "The Midnight Game,"

I stared at her in shock. There she was, only days ago, daring about the whole thing. Why on earth did it give her nightmares?

"Look, I know what I said in that note," she continued, as if reading my mind. "But I'm not so sure we should play it."

"Why?" I pressed. "What harm could that do us?" 

"I don't know, it's just..." she hesitated. "Don't think I'm stupid or silly or whatever."

"I won't."

"I think those dreams were a sign." she tensed up, waiting for me to laugh. Of course I did not. "In one of them, a man covered in all black told me I was making a mistake before he... attacked me." 

"Attacked you?" I gasped. "How?"

"I felt real pain through my whole body when he looked straight at me."


"i know, it's crazy, but it seemed so real..." she shuddered.

"Oh." I was speechless.

"I have a really bad feeling about the game." 

"So, its off?"

Alex stopped for a moment, considering.

"I... don't know..." she slumped back against the wall next to me. "If there's one thing I hate, it's chickening out." She sighed, looking hopeless.

I did not know what to say.

Alexandria's P.O.V

We stood there in silence. I felt dread in the pit of my stomach. I just could not play, not after all those dreams. But I could not just cancel it. Everyone was so looking forward to it. And I'm not the one who usually chickens out on dares. I sighed. I gotta do it. No choice. 

"Hey," I said softly.

"Hmm?" Monique replied.

"I'm gonna do it."

"Really?" she asked. "You're not umm, scared at all?"

That did it. I had not realised how pathetic I seemed until she said that. Oh God.... I must've sounded like a scaredy-cat all the way. I stood up straight, trying to appear taller and more intimidating. 

"No, why would I?"


"Monique, I'm not scared." I said through gritted teeth. Truth is, I was really terrified. But I did not let my fear show. As I walked away, I realised that unfortunately, there was no turning back from the game.

A/N: Another chapter done! I hope you guys will continue reading the next few chapters...:D Please leave comments and ratings... thanks so much!

A Deadly Game, A Dangerous MidnightWhere stories live. Discover now