Play At Your Own Risk.....

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A/N: Hi guys! So, in order for you to fully understand what the whole story is about, there is a link that shows how to play the "Midnight Game":

Check it out if you want, but I recommend you NOT to play... Title says it all...! Heheh! This link is just to help you understand what my fictional story is about! I won't be responsible for anything ok? Enjoy

 Jared's P.O.V

"This is going to be way more creepy...." I heard Alexandria say. I stood up on my seat and watched her and Paisley argue.

"Hey man, sit down!" Walter nudged me with his elbow. Typical of him. Always the good guy, eh? Smart, too.

"Shh, not now, Einstein." He blushed, his face turning beet red. I laughed, then turned back to eavesdrop on the girls.

"Seriously, will you just listen to me and SIT BACK DOWN!" my obnoxious friend tugged on my shirt sleeve.

"Hey, easy there, it's going to rip!" I swatted his hand. He huffed and decided to do some boring stare out the window. I swung my head in the general direction only to come face to face with Alex. She gave me a death stare.


"Err...I..." I stammered, backing away. For some reason Alex scares the hell out of me.

"Don't say its nothing!" she accused, jabbing her index finger at my chest. Ouch. That was pretty sharp.

"Calm down, Alex," Paisley grabbed Alex's arm, "you're overreacting." Her best friend gave her a death stare, too, but said nothing. I smiled gratefully at Paisley, she was about the only person who could extinguish a raging fire like Alex.

"That weirdo was eavesdropping." Alex growled.

"Jeez, it's no big deal, so what if he heard?" Paisley crossed her arms and winked at me once. I mouthed the words 'thanks'. UH OH. Alex saw me. Man, her eyes were pretty sharp.

"Eww...I think I might be sick.." She moaned, clutching her stomach. Paisley gaped at her in horror, then slapped her arm.

"Okay, okay!" Alex used both her hands to shield herself, though it was clear Paisley's blow did not hurt at all. "I'll drop it!"

"Okay, so what are you guys going to summon?" I asked, bouncing in my seat. I love summoning and rituals and all those ghost stuff.

"Nothing." Alex mumbled, turning away. Ugh. She's no fun. Paisley could tell I was getting annoyed. So she told me.

"The Midnight Man. We're summoning him." 

"Midnight Man? Never heard of that." 

"You're lame..." Alex shook her head so fast I thought she was going to get whiplash. Paisley gave me an apologetic shrug. 

"We'll tell you in school." Paisley chirped excitedly.

"WE?" Alex questioned, loud enough to be heard. Paisley put her manicured index finger to her lips, and Alex slumped down even more, grouching all the way. I simply grinned.

*At Westchester Middle School*

"Meet us later during lunch hour!" Paisley called after me as I jumped down from the bus. I nodded and went to class. Wow, it seemed as if time was purposely going slow, especially if I was desperately waiting for the bell to ring, signalling lunch hour. I counted down the minutes, then seconds. 3...2...1...


"Aww man, I can't believe how time flies!" Walter complained. "I haven't finished studying for the test next week!" I rolled my eyes, making sure he noticed.

A Deadly Game, A Dangerous MidnightWhere stories live. Discover now