Unintelligible Whispering

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Monique's P.O.V

"Everyone got their salt shakers ready?" Alex asked in a hushed tone.

We all nodded, once again.

"Okay, I think we should separate." she told us.

"What, are you sure?" I asked. 

"Yes, it would be harder for the guy to find us if we're in smaller groups." she explained.

"Okay, but I don't wanna be alone on this." Paisley declared.

"Fine." Alex took a deep breath and let it out, slowly. "Pais, you're with me."

Hmmph. Best friends, I get it. I wish it could've been me whom Alex picked.

"I'll go with Jared." I spoke up.

"Okay, then. Jake, you go with Walter." Paisley instructed. 

"But-" Walter started. Jared cut him off.

"Dude, just go with him." 

"Fine." he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Okay, let's go now." 

Without waiting any longer, we dispatched. Jared and I went up the stairs. We quickened our pace when we got to the long hallway. My candle was still burning as bright as the sun. Phew. Burning candle meant no Midnight Man nearby. 

"Wanna try the attic?" Jared asked, nudging me softly.

"What!" I gasped in shock. "No way!"

The attic would be the worst place to ever venture into in a game like this. It was small, tight, stuffy and only had one way out, through a tiny doorway. If the Midnight Man so happened to cross the doorway, we would be trapped. That would be it for us. No way out. 

"Fine, but I'm gonna try it out sooner or later."

"Suit yourself." I huffed jokingly, rolling my eyes. 

We moved on, walking down the hallway to Alex's room. Wow. Quite a mess! Papers and clothes were strewn all over the desk and floor, like victims in the aftermath of an explosion. I was still taking all that in when I heard unintelligible whispering to my right. 

"Jared!" I hissed. "Stop it."

"I'm not doing anything."

His panicked response made me look at him. Sure enough, it wasn't him. His lips weren't moving, but the whispering was still there. It sounded like a demon from hell. I froze, my insides turning to ice. My eyes opened wide. The whispering sounded again, once, then ceased to an end. 

In that one instant, my candle blew off. It just did! There was no draft, no sudden jerks or movements, nothing. One moment, the candle was burning, bright and strong. In the next, it died away. I stared at it, and a mixture of emotions swept over me. I was stunned, shocked, appalled, horrified. I couldn't move, I couldn't even think.

"Light it up!"

Jared's urgent tone shook me out of my stupor. Oh! I grabbed my lighter and fumbled with it, trying to light the candle up. How many seconds had gone by? I had no idea. 'Come on, come on! Light up! Light up!' I almost screamed in my frustration and panic. About two seconds later, it lit up. Thank goodness! I quickly backed away from Alex's room, pulling Jared along. Once we got back to the hallway, we bolted. We ran as fast as our legs could carry us, down the stairs and into the living room. Sure that I wasn't followed, I stopped to catch my breath. 

Phew, that was close. 

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