Midnight Man....real or fake?

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Alexandria's P.O.V

I heard the thunder of running feet and glanced at the stairway. A second later, Monique and Jared came into view. They hopped down the stairs and after a moment of wary peeking, they finally relaxed. Monique was panting heavily. She pressed a trembling hand to her chest, which was heaving up and down as if she had just gone through hard labour. Jared was shaking from head to toe. Seeing them made me wonder: what happened up there?

I walked towards them in a hurry, with Paisley right behind me. 

"Mon, Jar, what happened?" I asked, cautiously peering around corners and into the dark, mysterious shadows. 

Monique stared up at me, exhausted from running. 

"We...." she started, huffing and panting. 

"We heard the whispering." Jared explained flatly. 

"What?" Paisley's voice was barely a whisper.

"You heard me." Jared shook his head. "After the whispering, our candles blew out." 

I gaped at him in shock. Was this really happening?

"Jared." I growled, suddenly annoyed. "I don't know what you're playing at, but don't even think of trying to spook me."

"I'm not." he said tiredly. 

"Jared, don't you dare-"

"He's not lying, Alex!" 

I focused my gaze on a trembling, terrified, pale-faced Monique. The look in her face confirmed my worst possible conclusion. They weren't lying. They weren't making anything up. From her expression, I couldn't deny the truth. They heard it. Their candles blew out. Something supernatural and freaky was going on. 

"Are you sure it wasn't the wind?" 

"No." Monique wore a pained expression. She was hyperventilating. 

I couldn't comfort her. I couldn't tell her everything was alright. I couldn't lie. I agreed on this, hoping to get a good scare out of my friends. I was now getting a good scare out of myself. Hell yeah, I was terrified. A thousand questions raced through my head, making me dizzy. Out of those questions, one shone through and repeated itself over and over in my head, driving me insane. Was the Midnight Man fake..... or was he as real as I suspected he was?

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