Time's up

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A/N: Hey guys! So sorry for the late update and also for the short chapters, I'll try my best to do something about it. Anyways, here is another one. Don't forget to vote, comment and or follow :D

Alexandria's P.O.V

This is all my fault.

It's my fault that Paisley's dead. My fault Walter's dead. My fault that everyone's lives were put in danger.

Although I kept trying to convince myself that all that had happened was not my doing, I just could not bring myself to believe that I had not just single-handedly brought death to Paisley and Walter, not to mention leave my remaining friends with traumatic memories after all this is over.

There and then, I cried for what seemed like the millionth time that day. My emotions poured out of me in the form of tiny, steady rivers that flowed down my cheeks. They gathered at the bottom of my chin and, one by one, fell and splattered onto Paisley's wounded chest.

Sobbing harder, I buried my face in Paisley's chest, the revolting stench of blood making my stomach turn. Instead of pulling away, I hugged Paisley's body even tighter.

"Please, Paisley.. don't go... don't leave me.."

The silence only fuelled my unwillingness to let go.

"PAISLEY! WAKE UP!" I yelled, and more tears spilled out onto my face as I shook her cold body furiously. No response. Her body stayed limp in my arms.

"Come back.. please.." My voice was reduced to a whimper as I cried harder.

I squeezed my eyes shut, lowered my head back on Paisley's chest, and continued to sob quietly.

"I'm..s-sorr..ry, I'm so..so..sor...ry."

Just then, I heard indistinct voices. Despite my indifference towards anything aside from Paisley, I was slightly curious.

Straining my ears, I could make out the husky voice of Jake. Then, as I listened to the second voice, I broke out in a sweat. This one was almost completely monotone, with a slight but obvious touch of malevolence. The eerie calmness of this unfamiliar voice put me on edge. My body tensed, preparing any sudden attacks.

After a few moments, the voices finally ceased to an end. I breathed out a sigh of relief before a sudden thought struck me.


Oh no. Oh no, no, no. What had happened to him? Why did he stop talking? Did the other guy back there get him? I grabbed the candle and was about to race around the corner when the same monotous, malicious voice spoke, making my insides turn to ice.

"Hello, Alexandria Clyde."

I sucked in a sharp breath. The voice was so calm, too calm, there was just something so unsettling about it. I couldn't quite place a finger on it. My instincts screamed for me to bolt, but I was rooted to the ground.

"Well turn around, would you? Don't turn you back on others when they are talking to you. It's impolite, little girl."

The words alone sounded simply like a chastise, but when combined with the malicious voice, it struck fear to my heart. It sounded like a challenge, taunting and mocking me. I stood still, not daring to move a muscle.

"Turn around or you will have your friends' blood on your hands."

That snapped me out of my frozen state. Not willing to take that risk, I obeyed.

I found myself staring into a grotesque face. Upon seeing this sadistic killer, my face became distorted as well as the fear was washed away and replaced by overwhelming anger. Intense feelings of hate and revenge raged through my body like livid fire.

"How dare you do this to her?" I wasn't a stuttering mess, but my voice rang loud and even. I shot him a murderous glare filled with all the hatred I could summon.

"Paisley Adelaide Montgomery? That petty little girl? Believe me, I was doing you a favour. The world would be better off without incompetent, useless fools such as the likes of her."

I was breathing heavily now. My breath came in short, sharp bursts. I clenched my jaw in anger, biting my tongue in the process and drawing blood, filling my mouth with the metallic taste of it. I heard nothing but a shrill ringing sound. Red spots appeared at the edges of my vision. I was so furious I didn't even notice right away his odd ability to speak. Without a moment of thought or hesitation, I threw my candle aside and lunged at him, fingers outstretched screaming madly. Next thing I knew, I was on my belly, hands still outstretched, spread out flat on the floor. I shivered as I felt tingles all over my body, realizing then that I had actually passed through the Midnight Man's body. 

"You fool." he whispered in my ear. 

Just then, Jake appeared in front of me. 

"Alex! Your candle!"

My mind went blank for a second, then as it regained focus, I started to panic. The candle! How long had I been down here? Was I too late?

I scrambled on my hands and knees, trying to locate the position of my candle in the darkness. The ringing sound in my ear grew louder. I had a gut-wrenching feeling that this was the end, but I refused to give up. I continued my frantic search for the candle until someone whispered the two words that would haunt me for the rest of my life. 

"Time's up."

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