Chapter two

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I pondered around my room waiting for a reply

I had my hand placed over my stomach and occasionally glanced down at it

I was going to be a mom.. I still hadn't come to terms with the fact that in less then 5 months I'd be holding a baby I'd call my own

I remember the day I found out I was pregnant

I had a feeling with the morning sickness and what not so I went and bought a pregnancy test and when I saw it was positive I sat on my bed, speechless

It was the night of my 17th birthday party, not the best way to celebrate your 17th but anyway

I didn't know what to do I planned on telling my parents but every time I even brought up something about being pregnant at a young age they would go on about how embarrassing it would be for them as parents to have a 17 year old pregnant daughter, so I never told them in fear I'd get thrown out or be a shame to the family

I didn't tell my friends because I was afraid I'd lose them to embarrassment and I didn't tell luke simply because he was luke

He was famous and could have any girl at the drop of a hat

I didn't want to ruin his career, he was so young as was I but I didn't have a fandom of obsessive girls

My thoughts were disturbed by my mom coming into my room

I quickly grabbed a jumper and put it on

I started to wear baggy clothes so it wouldn't be as noticeable

"Alexa I.. What's going on?" She asked

"What do you mean? Nothing's going on?" I said my voice shaky

"Why did you put your jumper on when I came in? You're not hiding anything or doing anything are you?" She asked

"No mom! I was just getting dressed and you took me by surprise that's all" I lied, that was the perfect

opportunity to tell her but fear took over and I quickly covered it up

"Oh okay well I'm going out so call me if you need anything" she smiled leaving my room

"Okay bye mom" I said before going over and closing the door

I sat on the bed shaking at the thought of her finding out

My parents were strict enough as it was already and I think this would send them overboard

After calming down I decided to check my phone to see if luke had replied

As my phone lit up there was a message from luke there

"Emh yeah okay we can meet up at the mall in half an hour"

"Okay see you then"

I replied

The butterflies already present in my stomach knotted even tighter, I was going to tell him and there was no backing out

I quickly got up and got ready taking a deep breathe before leaving the house, this was when my secret ended and someone knew

*Lukes pov*

I lay on my bed listening to music, thinking

I hadn't hooked up with anyone since Alexa 4 months ago

Even though there was girls throwing themselves at me I just didn't see anything in them in that way

I wanted someone but who?

Cathleen? Or maybe Amber? No no they didn't have anything special about them, I'm sure they're nice people but just aren't my type

My thoughts were disturbed by my phone vibrating

I quickly picked it up and frowned a little

Why would Alexa be texting me? We hooked up four months ago so why would she be texting me now?

I read the message over and over, she wanted to meet up to tell me something important?

I texted her back and told her to meet me at the mall in a half an hour

What could be so important that she has to tell me urgently? I thought about it for a while but nothing sprung to mind

Maybe she wanted to hook up again? I wouldn't say no I really liked Alexa, she was perfect I liked everything about her but I'm not into relationships

I was a player not a relationship type of person

17 and pregnant with Luke Brooks babyWhere stories live. Discover now