Chapter thirty two

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"no, I am going to propose to alexa, what do you think?" I asked finally getting out what I'd been thinking for 3 years

My mum stood there her mouth open in shock, her hands on her cheeks

"oh my god Luke!" she screamed

"shh mum please be quiet" I pleaded, the last thing I wanted was alexa to hear this conversation, I wanted to keep it a secret

"on Luke this is great!! Have you got a ring? When are you going to do it?" she asked me between sobs of joy

"I'm happy you think it's a good idea! And not yet that's why I told you because I wanted you to help me pick it out when we go out tomorrow and were leaving on Monday and tomorrows Sunday so i was thinking on Tuesday when we go to Disney which she doesn't know about yet, I'll do it then" I said smiling to myself

"oh Luke!" she cried engulfing me in a hug

"I'll talk to you about it tomorrow, I'm going to go back to alexa before she thinks something's wrong, night mum" I smiled

She smiled back and I closed the door quietly walking up the hall to me and alexas room. I opened the door to see her still in her clothes sitting on the bed looking through her phone. I quietly walked in and and shut the door over sitting on the bed beside

"what took you so long?" she laughed looking up from her phone

"oh I was just cleaning up a bit" I said not wanting to say to much

"how come you're still dressed?" I asked her

"i don't know, wasn't really bothered" she laughed

"well come on you need to get ready" I laughed pulling her up which lead to her falling on top of me

"luuuukkkeeee" she laughed as we both lay In hysterics on the floor

"your hair is in my mouth, it's making it impossible for me to kiss you" I laughed trying to move her hair

"wait I'll tie it up" she said still laughing grabbing a bobbin and putting it up

"Now it's that Better?" She smirked falling back on top of me

"I suppose" I smirked back starting to kiss her

"Luke?" She asked slightly breathless after pulling away from the heated kiss

I nodded lost for words, she always done this to me, made my mind go blank and be stuck for words and that's why I wanted to marry her, usually that feeling only lasted a few months but with Alexa I had it everyday, all day

"Why are we on the floor? We hav a bed?" She laughed

"I don't care where we are once you're there" I said pulling her back down to me

"Floor it is then" she laughed starting the kiss again

After a while she started to tug on my top, I pulled away thinking something was wrong and gave her a confused look

"Just take it off" she laughed pulling it over my head

"Oh so that's what you want" I smirked

"Well you started it so I'm guessing that's what you want too" she said

"Suppose your right" I laughed taking her top off

"We have to be quiet I don't want to wake Kayla or your mum" she said

I nodded and proceeding in taking off the rest of her clothes, when I finished I lay on top of her kissing her

"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you" I said kissing her over and over all down her neck

17 and pregnant with Luke Brooks babyWhere stories live. Discover now