Chapter twenty five

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*Lukes Pov*

I woke up in a sweat, my head was spinning and my hands shaking. I knew something happened last night but I couldn't remember exactly what, everything was a blur. We were 3 weeks into the tour and everyday got harder with Alexa not by my side. Last night was just one big blur but i knew something happened..

//flashback to the night before//

I lay around on my bed, tired after finished the show. I did this most nights while the boys went out, just sit around missing Alexa. I sighed to myself as there was another week to go and I really just wanted to go home despite how exciting this was

"Luke?" Beau said coming into the room

"Yeah beau" I sighed not really in the mood to talk to anyone

"Luke you have to come out with us tonight, we can't let you sit around the hotel room again seriously you must be getting bored at continuously looking at four walls all the time" beau said

I just looked to him not knowing what to say, I was bored out of my mind but I just wasn't in the mood to actually go out party, I just wasn't

"Please luke you know what I'm saying in true! Alexa wouldn't want you sitting on sopping over nothing" he said

"Fine I'll come out" I grunted knowing he wasn't going to leave me alone if I didn't go

"Good okay, were leaving at 10 be there or be square" he winked and laughed before leaving my room

I looked around the room trying to find something to wear, that would be somewhat nice and look like I made some effort. After fifteen minutes id found an outfit and was almost ready. I checked the time one more time before leaving grabbing my phone and keys. It was already 10 so I quickly send a text to Alexa saying "I love you princess 💖xx" knowing she wouldn't get it till the morning because she went to sleep early most nights now

"Guys look it's luke!" James screamed surprised to see me

"The dead has come back to life" jai said making all the other boys including me laugh

"Where are we going?" I asked

"Oh this club we went to last night, it was amazing!" Daniel said

I nodded and proceeded in leaving along with the other boys. We walked for around 10 minutes before we came up to a club and got in almost straight away. The music was blaring and the floor vibrating, people were screaming and everywhere I looked there were couples, I already wanted to leave

"do you want a drink?" Beau screamed over the loud music

"No it's fine" I screamed back, I wasn't in the mood to be drinking I wasn't even in the mood to be here

"I'll get you one, smile luke" he Nudge walking away

After being approached by 5 girls in 10 minutes beau finally returned with all the drinks and two girls on his shoulder. He passed me the drink and dared me to drink the whole thing in one. I started to shake my head looking at beau as in "are you serious?"

"Do it do it" all the boys chanted

I sighed and picked up the drink, before I knew it I had downed the drink and was onto my second one. I had another 4 drinks along with 3 shots and I was staring to feel extremely tipsy and nausea

"Hey" this girl said falling onto me

"n..o stop.." I slurred trying to get her off me

"What's wrong with you, I don't aww your girlfriend" she said pulling me up

My body was weak, I couldn't feel anything and I couldn't stand straight. I quickly held onto her tight and before I knew where I was her lips were pressed against mine, the kiss getting more heated by the minute. I kept resisting and trying to pull away but I couldn't, I was so helpless. I suddenly felt my body falling slowly to the grand hitting it with a hard thump, I then heard voices and people around me but I couldn't see them or make out what they were saying. Then everything went blurry and black

// end of flashback //

I sat in the bed then starting to remember last night. I looked at my phone to see pictures of me and that girl, her hands on my head and my hands on her stomach trying to push her off. I started to panic more and tears were now forming in my eyes. My phone suddenly started to vibrate in my hand, Alexa was calling

"Hello?" I said my voice shaky

"Luke, how could you?" She said crying

"Alexa it's not what It looks like I promise you that, I'll get any of the boys to tell you! I swear to you it's not what it looks like" I said in tears

"Luke you can't get out of this seriously, you're full on making out with another girl seriously I'm not that stupid luke!" She yelled slightly

"Alexa I'm telling you that it's not what it looks like! Just give me a chance to explain to you please Alexa" I said sobbing down the phone

"No I need to go, bye" she said

"Alexa please wait just give me a minute to explain!" I cried

But it was too late, she was gone. I sat there crying heavily thinking I'd lost the most important person in my life, why did I go out, why

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