Arsenia Gonzales

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One of the greatest Ilvermorny alumni of the 21st century, undoubtedly, is Arsenia Gonzales. She was born in Bogota, Colombia on June 22nd, 1993, and left immediately for the United States when she and her family moved to Hollywood, Florida. Her father, Felix, was a member of the Colombian National Quidditch Team who retired after suffering a horrific injury that left him crippled for life. Her mother, Julieta, is a former Magizoology teacher at Castelobruxo. In 2004, she received an acceptance letter to Ilvermorny School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry and would call the school her home from 2004 to 2011, where she was sorted into Thunderbird. She inherited her father's talent for flying and became fascinated with Quidditch. In her first year at school, her favorite class was Flying Class, where she developed a close friendship with former US International Seeker Ariel Singleton. She showed inept command with a broomstick and this made her a naturally good Chaser. At age 11, she tried out for the Thunderbird Quidditch Team and she made it, showing impressive skills including resourcefulness, determination, leadership, and an indomitable will. She said that if she went to Hogwarts, she would like to be in Slytherin. These skills helped make her the youngest captain in Thunderbird Quidditch history. She would win the Ilvermorny Quidditch Cup that year, upsetting an exceptionally powerful and undefeated Pukwudgie team and leading the league in goals scored and assists. In her second year of school, she became a member of the Voyageurs, a mostly Irish-American secret organization led by her childhood friends, and next-door neighbors, James and Melissa Evercreetch. Despite being the only Colombian member of the group, she was welcomed anyway and went on many adventures with them, encountering anomalies and paranormal activity that made Ilvermorny so famous worldwide. Arsenia and the twins are so close, that they view one another like family.

After she graduated in 2011, she returned home to Florida, moved to Miami, and began a local Quidditch team in the United States League: The Miami Marlins (not to be confused with the No-Maj baseball team whom she so ardently supports) and she played well, setting the team record for goals scored in a single season (39). This caught the attention of the United States National Team, who was competing with Colombia to recruit her but, ultimately, she chose the United States, much to her father's dismay. In 2014, the United States qualified for the World Cup in Argentina and Chile and she would be reunited with her former Thunderbird teammates Quentin Kowalski and Mercy Wardwell, her best friend. In their first game, they played against Jamaica and scored 9 goals. Arsenia scored 4 of them, Quentin scored 3 (including the last one) and Mercy Wardwell scored 2 and defeated them 240-230. In the quarter-final against Liechtenstein. They won 450-290 to move on to the semi-finals, where they would be defeated by Brazil 420-310. They would then face Japan for third place and would be defeated 330-120. Arsenia brutally took two bludgers to the face. When word had reached Japan that American supporters kidnapped the Liechtenstein mascot, an Augurey, as a prank, Japan presented the United States with a Hoo-hoo chick, a firebird native to Japan. Arsenia now lives in Miami and continues playing for the Marlins and USQNT.

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