The Graduation Ceremony

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Ilvermorny graduation is quite similar to No-Maj high school graduation

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Ilvermorny graduation is quite similar to No-Maj high school graduation. The graduates wear their school uniform, but instead of the traditional wizard or witch's hat, they don a blue flat-topped graduation cap with black tassels. Each graduate also receives a stole bearing their House name on it. Additional things include cranberry tassels for prefects, gold tassels for the Head Boy or Girl, extra stoles for the valedictorian, the salutatorian, honor students, student government members, etc.

All underclassmen, teachers, and parents gather at the stands of the Quidditch field on the day of graduation (usually a Friday). At 7:00 pm precisely, the spectators stand as the Theme of Sorcerers starts to play (the wizarding equivalent of Pomp and Circumstance) and the graduates walk onto the field, taking their seats on the temporary risers set there. The Deputy Headmaster will address the audience and explain how the ceremony will proceed, as well as anything else they may need to know.

The school song is sung. There are several speakers, including but not limited to the valedictorian and salutatorian, Headmaster Fontaine, the MACUSA President, Head Boy and Girl, and an alumnus. Usually, but not always, the Seventh Year Class President will speak, as well as the occasional other alumnus or a guest speaker.

At the end of the program, the presentation of diplomas goes forward exactly as a No-Maj high school's would - each graduate's name is read off, and they walk across the stage and accept their diploma from the Deputy Headmaster, as well as a handshake from the Headmaster, Head of House, and school board representative.

After the diplomas have been presented, there is a moment of silence as all graduates and alumni raise their wands simultaneously. Clear white light is summoned to each wand and then cast into the air to create a glowing cloud of light. Blinding light rains down on the graduates. With that light, every graduate is considered a fully functional witch or wizard and ready for the outside world. Following the fading of the light, graduates follow after their No-Maj counterparts, moving their tassels and then throwing their caps high into the sky. With that, they are no longer students at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It is a tradition for graduated students to turn their Gordian Knot pendants that they received when they were 11 into a necklace, as a reminder that Ilvermorny will always be their home and that they will always be welcome back anytime.

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