A Sorting Guide to the Ilvermorny houses

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Wampus: House of Warriors, House of the Body
Horned Serpent: House of Scholars, House of the Mind
Pukwudgie: House of Healers, House of the Heart
Thunderbird: House of Adventurers, House of the Soul

Hogwarts Houses are chosen based on traits you consider important and value beyond yourself, e.g. Hermione Granger believed that bravery is more important than "books and cleverness." That's because the founders wanted to see those values in others (i.e. the students they are close with.)

On the other hand, the characters of the Ilvermorny founders "leaked into the houses," so it seems to divide along the lines of how you define yourself and what tools you prefer to use in your approach to life. At Ilvermorny, you are not sorted based on the values you consider most important but, instead how you embrace them.

- Horned Serpent: "I am defined by what I think (and learn). " (Scholars, Mind)

- Wampus: "I am defined by what I do." (Warriors, Body)

- Pukwudgie: "I am defined by what I feel (or maybe love) ." (Healers, Heart)

- Thunderbird: "I am defined by what I experience." (Adventurers, Soul)

Here are the explanations that are generally accepted by those who understand the Ilvermorny Houses:

Wampus will accept anyone who is always willing to put up a fight (this doesn't necessarily mean they're belligerent, though this is often the case as well). Their (ideal) profession likely involves athleticism and heroics. What they're fighting for is a different matter entirely - survival, justice, equality, ambitions - as is how they do so - physically, magically, mentally, verbally. It also accepts those who somehow focus on, primarily use, or try to improve their physical body - Quidditch players, weightlifters, gymnasts, duelers, martial artists, dancers, etc.

Horned Serpent will accept anyone who focuses on the improvement and use of the mind. Their ideal profession would be in academia. It doesn't matter what they're using their mind for - Potions, Quidditch strategies, Arithmancy, chess, Hebrew Practices, bomb-making - it just matters that they focus on the mind primarily. Similarly, it accepts all those that could be considered scholars - those who go straight to the books (or the internet) when looking for an answer and studying up on it and everything related.

Pukwudgie accepts healers of all kinds, regardless of what they heal - bodies, minds, self-esteem, animals, plants, relationships. Their (ideal) profession would be something that involves helping people in one way or another. It also accepts those who are centered around their heart - emotions, love, friendship, loyalty, compassion, charity, selflessness - and as such, includes a large variety of interests - Magizoologists, literal Healers, teachers, historians, Herbologists, counselors, Potioneers, diplomats, social workers, etc.

Thunderbird accepts anyone who longs and searches for adventure. Their (ideal) profession would either involve travel or would ideally do. Adventure can take many forms, however - traveling, exploring, meeting new people, reading, flying, inventing, discovering - which means that there are many types of Thunderbirds - those who sneak out after curfew or have their heads stuck in the clouds, or won't stop talking in class. It also seeks those who are or who wish to be "in tune" with their souls in some way or other - religious and spiritual people, Seers, artists, philosophers, writers, astronomers, musicians, etc.

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