School Rules @willowwhisps

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School Rules

1. Bullying, threatening, attacking, or hurting another student due to race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, and blood status is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. Please report any violations to a Resident Advisor or a Professor and you will be rewarded.

2. Unlike at Hogwarts, Dueling is allowed on school grounds without supervision, but not to deliberately attack, hurt, bully, or intimidate another student. All acts of violence must be settled in a duel.

3. Dueling must be with the consent of the other student and spells for dueling should not be cast at another student without their consent.
- Must be on school grounds
- Dueling near the Aviary or the Pukwudgie Dens is forbidden
- Make sure not to damage school property, unless the participants wish to clean up and use the Mending Charm

4. Magic can be used outside of the classroom, unlike at Hogwarts, as long as the student follows the rules.

5. Entering the Black Forest is forbidden. Doing so may result in detention or expulsion from Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

6. Be respectful of other students and do not disrupt their fellow students

7. Respect your peers and professor regardless of religion, gender, sexual orientation, blood status, and ethnicity

8. Respect the property and the equipment of the school and others so carry out reasonable instructions to the best of their ability.

9. Any tunnels that have been labeled as "dangerous" are forbidden to enter. Visit only the safe ones. If you find any undiscovered tunnels, you may be rewarded. 

10. All students must conduct themselves courteously and appropriately at all times

11. All students must keep the school environment and the local community free from litter

12. Only "garden variety" Dark magic is allowed on school grounds including jinxes, hexes, and minor curses. Using the Unforgivable Curses will result in immediate expulsion. And you will be arrested.

13. Consumption of alcohol, drugs, and smoking is strictly prohibited.

14. Any students with pets must keep their pets under control at all times.

15. The use of any magic on professors without their permission is strictly prohibited

16. Uniforms must be worn during classes, meals, assemblies, and so on at all times. On Friday, students are allowed to dress freely. Uniforms can be taken off during their free time such as in their Common Rooms and dorms.

17. Access to the Restricted Section of the Library is strictly prohibited for students unless authorized by a professor. Books must be placed on the designated desks within the section.

18. No Love Potions on school grounds

19. Possession of dangerous, harmful joke items is forbidden on school grounds.

20. Public displays of affection such as kissing and hugging are allowed between couples but limited to a minor amount and nothing excessive such as making out.

21. Students must respect each other's belongings and should avoid damaging or stealing a fellow student's belongings. Contact the Lost and Found department if you find something missing. You will be rewarded.

22. Excessive additions to the uniforms are not allowed. Accessories such as jewelry watches and so on are allowed though.

23. All students must not wear any clothing with any offensive or vulgar sayings or depictions at all times.

24. All students are allowed to hike the Appalachian Trail or other hiking trails if they wish but only if they have a partner or are in a group. NEVER hike alone and stay on the path. If you are lost, send up a flare with your wand, and a teacher or a Resident Advisor will come and help you.

25. There are certain ancient artifacts and historical documents you cannot touch in the library. Please respect that. Some of these ancient artifacts are very fragile and delicate.

26. You are allowed to visit Isolt's former quarters on the second floor. Please respect your surroundings and DO NOT touch anything.

27. Cheating by way of magic is prohibited, especially during tests and exams. Doing so will result in your test being invalidated.

28. Do not violate the rules of nature for recreational use.

29. Students who become Animagi are to register or they will face jail time.

30. Playing musical instruments is allowed in the common rooms, the hallways, and outside but not in the library and the student lounge.

31. (Only for students from New England) If you live near Mount Greylock and wish to stay at home instead of staying at school, make sure to notify Professor Goode before the year begins. But it's a tradition for students to stay at the Common Rooms on the First Day. We will do whatever we can to make sure you get to school on time.

32. Swimming in the Shrouded Lake is permitted but only in the designated area. Though the Lake Monster is friendly, other inhabitants of the lake (such as Grindylows and Horned Serpents), and the cold, can be dangerous. Do not disturb the Naiads, either. The lake is their home.

33. Entering the Pukwudgie Village is forbidden. Only the Pukwudgies are allowed here unless it's with written permission from the staff.

34. Visitors to Ilvermorny must obtain permission from the Headmaster or Deputy Headmaster. This includes parents of students and MACUSA personnel. The only exceptions to this rule are members of the Ilvermorny Board of Governors, who have free access to the school.

35. The Gordian Knot is a sacred symbol for Ilvermorny and should be treated with respect. Anyone caught defacing, vandalizing, or disrespecting their or another's pendant will be severely punished according to their behavior.

36. Students with special privileges may find them suspended or revoked for severe rule-breaking. Examples of privileges that can be removed are visits to Steward Square, Wanderlust Days, club membership, playing on sports teams, Quidditch team captaincy, or even Resident Advisory if the perpetrator is a Resident Advisor.

37. Attention all students and visitors: please be advised that there have been reports of paranormal activity at Ilvermorny Castle and the surrounding grounds. The Headmaster and staff would like to remind you that we CANNOT be held responsible for ANY interactions with ghosts, spirits, or anomalies residing on the premises. Please exercise caution and respect the boundaries of any supernatural beings you may encounter.

House Rules

1. Students should be in their common rooms by 11 pm unless with signed permission from one of the professors or the Headmaster.

2. All students must leave the Common Room as they left it and clean up after themselves at all times.

3. All students must respect each other's privacy at all times.

4 Students from other Houses are allowed in another House's common room provided they're accompanied by students from that House and said student keeps an eye on them the majority of the time.

5. Resident Advisors, House Presidents, and the Student Body President are allowed to be outside of their Common Rooms after hours if they're on patrol duty.

6. All students must wear clothes in the Common Rooms at all times. Male students can get away if not wearing shirts though.

7. Boys may not enter the girls' dormitories. Attempts to do so will trigger spells preventing it, such as a Slide Spell on the staircases in the Wampus, Horned Serpent, and Pukwudgie rooms. The one exception to this is a male Resident Advisor in an emergency.

8. (For Thunderbird Village only) There are no Boys and Girls dormitories in the Thunderbird Village. Only treehouses. It's important to remember that you cannot enter a fellow student's treehouse without their permission.

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