Ilvermorny Library

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Professor Virginia Leon

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Professor Virginia Leon

Part museum, part archives, part bookstore, part student lounge, and part coffee shop, The library at Ilvermorny is the largest of all the wizarding schools, bigger than the library at Hogwarts, and is the second-largest building in Ilvermorny Castle. Students can enter the library any day from five in the morning to nine at night. The atmosphere is quiet, and at any given time a group of Horned Serpent students can usually be spied with their heads huddled together, whispering, either doing their essay or simply engaging in their next intellectual pursuit. The highly esteemed library has a collection of over 5,000,000 books, both non-magic and magic, and over 4,000 historical documents and magical artifacts, including the original blueprints for Ilvermorny Castle, and the Salem Poppet, one of the most dangerous and most haunted dolls in the world, held in a secret underground vault in the Restricted Section. Study tables are located all over, and many couches and plush chairs litter the area by the large window that overlooks the school grounds and the valley below. Coffee and tea are served year-round, and in winter and autumn there are piping hot mugs of hot chocolate and in the spring and summer, there is iced tea and lemonade. All for free. If you're ever in need of any help finding a specific book, contact Professor Leon or our Pukwudgie assistants who will help you in any way they can. You're allowed to check out only four books. In 1979, the library opened an LGBTQ+ bookstore called "Hear Our Story!", located on the second floor. In 2013, a new and modern student lounge was added on the first and second floors so that students could relax, study, or hang out between classes. 

Also, there are books at the end of every shelf that is similar to Google translate (although some students use Google translate instead) which are blank, but if someone writes a word or sentence in a different language into the book, it will rewrite it in their native language. Most use these translation books to understand ancient or foreign texts within the library. However, some use them to learn a new language on their own. The Library is also home to the Horned Serpent Common Room, which is located on the third floor.

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