Chapter # 2

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" May? " Ash said surprised and confused to see the young coordinator and not his usual friend.

" Hi Ash it has been along time since we last talked to each other " Replied May " What? Were you expecting someone else to talk to? " She continued.

" Actually yes I was expecting someone else how did you know? and why did you pick my call rather then them? " Questioned a confused Ash.

" Well you see I me and your friend Serena have been staying together for a while now and everyday she would go talk to someone at this time I asked her who it was but she would never tell me and since she wasn't here today so I decided to pick the call and tell the person or more precisely you that she isn't here. Sooo what is going in between you two? " She asked with a sly smirk.

" Um- Uh nothing . " Ash replied.

" Yeah right, anyways so how did you to meet? " May asked Ash.

" Well you see me and Serena first met when we were kids and later when I started travelling in the Kalos region. I met up with Serena again and we both traveled through the region together with two other friends. When the league was over and we had to go our separate ways but we decided to stay in contact with each other which leads us to where we are now" Replied Ash keeping the whole kiss at the airport thing out.

" Awww that's so sweet and hey you never kept in contact with the rest of us" Said an offended May.

" Well you see Serena was one of very first friends and I was her first friend when we were little and since it was hard for both of us when we first separated from one another we decided to keep in contact with each other. " replied Ash" Anyways do you know where Serena is now? " Asked Ash anxious to talk to his childhood friend.

" Well you see after talking to you a two weeks ago Serena immediately got another call from the professor of the Kalos region due to which she had to leave urgently she called yesterday saying that she would be returning later today. But why do you ask do you perhaps have something special on your mind? " Asked May with a sly smile.

"Do you happen to know that it's Serena's birthday tomorrow? " Asked Ash" Yes, I know but I don't get where this is going? " Replied a confused May.

" You see I wanted to surprise her by visiting her tomorrow but now I have a different plan and I will need your help with it. So what do you say to it wanna help? " Asked Ash.

" Of course Serena is a great friend of mine and I would do anything to make her happy. Tell me the plan I am all ears. " Said May paying full attention towards Ash.

" Alright listen carefully what I am gonna need you to do is......

~~~~~ " In Kalos with Serena " ~~~~

" Well I guess it's time to bid farewell to Kalos again huh Sylveon? " Serena asked her faithful fairy type partner.

" Veon " translation " Yeah it is. " Replied the ribbon Pokémon.

" Too bad we have to leave today it was fun hanging around here again but we have a lot of work a head of us in order to win the grand festival. Anyways we better hurry our flight leaves soon. " Said the young performer.

" Syl " translation " Alright let's go. " Said the Fairy type Pokémon.

After that both trainer and Pokémon sprinted towards the airport for their flight. Excited to see their friends again.

~~~~ " A few hours later in Hoenn with May " ~~~~

" You understand the plan right? " Asked Ash.

" Yep I understand all we need now is for Serena to arrive. Oh I can't wait it is going to be so cute. " Replied May.

"Of course you can't. " Said Ash while signing at his friends behavior.


Just then someone arrived at the Pokémon center. May poked her head around the corner to see who it was and panicked at the sight of the person. She instantly turned around to face Ash.

"May what's wrong you look as if you have seen a ghost type Pokémon. " Asked a concerned Ash.

May shook her head and said " It's her she's here. "

" What she is here now? But I thought you said she wasn't coming back till late" Asked Ash surprised.

" Well that is what she told me. " Replied an evenly confused May.

"Okay okay you go to her and act normal I will see you guys later bye. " Said Ash.

"Alright bye. " Said May while ending the call.

She quickly got out of the calling area and went to meet her friend. She spotted a girl with honey blonde hair sitting in one of chairs while brushing her Sylveon. She immediately recognized the girl and called out to her. " Serena" Heard the performer she quickly turned around to see her friend waving and calling to her. " May" She said while quickly putting Sylveon down and running over to hug the coordinator.

" What are you doing here Serena? I thought you said that you won't be coming back till late? " Asked May.

" Well I decided that I wanted to surprise you so I came a little earlier. " Replied Serena.

" So how was everything here while I was gone. Did anything amazing happen? " Serena asked curiously.

" No, not really nothing much happened here except for the fact that I missed you so much. " May replied.

" Me or my cooking? " Serena asked her fellow coordinator.

" You got me there. " At May's reply both girls started laughing.

~~~~ " In Alola with Ash " ~~~~

It was already late in Alola many people and Pokémon had gone to sleep except a few including a boy and his Pikachu. After ending the call Ash went to collect his Pokémon from nurse Joy and after he picked his stuff and made his way towards the airport." Come on buddy we need to catch our flight for Hoenn. " Ash said to the electric mouse." Pikaaa " Translation " Come on its already late I wanna go to sleep. " Pikachu said while yawning.

" You can sleep all you want during our flight. " Replied Ash.

" Hoenn be prepared Ash ketchum is on his way." Ash said to himself as he picked up Pikachu and placed Pikachu on his shoulder while making his way towards the airport. When they reached the airport they went straight for their plane to Hoenn. During the whole flight Pikachu slept soundly while Ash only slept for a few hours excited to see his friends again.

~~~~ " In Hoenn " ~~~~

It was late in the night everyone was a sleep except for a young performer who was sitting outside the Pokémon center.

~~~~~ " Serena's POV " ~~~~~

I had arrived from Kalos in the morning me and May chatted all day long we both shared about what we did in the past two week and before we knew it it was already late and time to go to sleep. I said good night to my friends and made my way to my room but I couldn't sleep so I came outside to think about my journey through the Hoenn region. Even though it was great but all the time I felt as if something or someone was missing I knew exactly who it was and even though I would talk to him every once in a while it doesn't feel the same. As I was thinking back to the great time I had with my old travelling companions I felt a ribbon wrap around my arm I looked to my left and saw Sylveon it mustn't been able to sleep either.

" Hey Sylveon can't seem to sleep either can you." I asked my performing partner.

She simply nodded in agreement. We both sat there for a while in perfect silence watching the stars above and before we knew it we both drifted to sleep.

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