Chapter # 10

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" Let's start with a performer who has showed great skills while participating in different contests all over the region he has become a fan favorite all over the Heonn as well as the Sinnoh region. With a huge round of applause please welcome Kenny. "

The whole stage suddenly erupted with light. Kenny was standing at the middle of the stage. Holding two Poke balls in his hands.

" Alright guys lets show them what we got Empoleon, Buizel come on out. " Commanded Kenny while throwing the Poke balls.

A white light erupted from the Poke balls releasing the Pokémon from the hold.

" BUIZEL" " EMPOLEON" Cried Buizel and Empoleon respectfully.

"Buizel use Whirlpool, Empoleon use Ice Beam. " Ordered the Sinnoh native.

Buizel shot a torrent of water from it's mouth and began spinning it to make a small whirlpool which slowly started to increase in size. After a few moments it grew to half the size of the stage. Suddenly Empoleon charged it's Ice beam and fired it towards the whirlpool freezing it in it's place. Both Pokémon Jumped on it and started sliding on it.

" Now let's finish this Empoleon use Drill peck, Buizel use Hydro pump then finish it off with a Aqua jet. "

Empoleon used Drill peck to make a hole in the middle of the structure while Buizel stood underneath it and used Hydro pump giving it a fountain look exciting the crowd. Then both Pokémon came charging in with a Aqua jet destroying it completely and sending sparkles flying everywhere making the crowd cheer loudly.

Empoleon and Buizel landed on both sides of Kenny. Together the trainer and Pokémon bowed for the crowd. Once the crowd had settled down Vivian came on the stage quickly congratulated Kenny on his amazing performance and turned towards the Judges for their scores.

" Alright let's find out what scores the judges have to give. " Announced the host.

" The performance was simply fantastic the coordination between both the Pokémon was absolutely amazing. I give this performance a 9/ 10. " Exclaimed the organizer of the Pokémon contests.

" Both your Pokémon enjoyed their time on stage which helped with increasing the beauty of your performance. It was truly exceptional. I give you a 9/ 10." Said the owner of the Pokémon enthusiast club.

" Both Pokémon looked happy with you and trusted you completely your bond with them is something to be admired. I give you a 10/ 10. " Said the local nurse.

" Thank you for your remarks judges. Kenny you are given a grand total of 28/ 30. " Announced Vivian

The crowd cheered loudly as Kenny and his Pokémon waved and made their way towards the back stage.

As soon as Kenny made it back stage he was immediately tackled into a hug by Dawn. Both were laughing while hugging the other. " You did a great job out there. Both you and your Pokémon were amazing out there. I might have a hard time beating your score. " Praised Dawn making him blush lightly.

" Thanks Dawn, but I have seen you practice and if anyone can beat me it's you. " He replied embracing her.

" Well I'm up next. Wish me luck. " She said while stepping away. But before she could get far away Kenny grabbed her wrist and pulled her in for a soft kiss. After a few minutes he broke the kiss and whispered" I will be waiting for you at the second round. Good luck. " After that he left going back to the changing room to watch the performances leaving a dazed Dawn behind. She was brought to the present just in time to hear Vivian say " Now for the next performance I give you a someone who is not new to the performing world she has participated in contests all across the Sinnoh region and even made it to the finals during her very first try. With a large round of applause please welcome Dawn. "

After climbing on the stage Dawn took a deep breath readying the Poke balls in her hand to release her Pokémon. "Piplup, Togetic it's time to shine. "

" PIPLUP" " TOGETIC" Shouted the Pokémon.

" Alright guy's let's give it all we got Togetic use Fairy wind and Piplup use bubble beam. " Commanded Dawn.

Togetic used Fairy wind to make a small tornado on the stage while Piplup shot small bubbles towards the tornado which started rotating around it. Lighting the stage with a faint pink glow.

Everything was going according to plan until the tornado went out of control and one by by one the bubbles started flying outwards all across the stage landing on different spots and bursting. One of which was heading towards Dawn.................

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