Chapter # 4

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~~~~ " Ash's POV " ~~~~

We had almost finished the decorations for the Serena's Birthday party. Everything looked perfect we only needed to put the final finishing touches on the decorations. I went over to Drew and Max to make sure that everything was done once I was sure that everything was done I told Drew to text May on her phone. After fifteen minutes we heard voices coming from the hallway we knew it was the girls coming over way so I quickly made my way to the switch and turned the lights of before hiding behind the table with the others.After a few moments we heard a few steps entering the dining area and head towards the switch and turn the lights on as soon as they did we all including May yelled.


In front of stood a surprised Serena. Without giving her anymore time to react we all shouted again 


You could easily see that she was very happy due to the tears of joy in her eyes. After a while when Serena came back to this world from the shock. She quickly began to question all of us.

" You all did this for me? When? How? Why? She asked all of us.

" Yes, we all did it for you and we did it all today. " Drew started answering her first two questions.

" Well we did it all together with May keeping you busy all day and the rest of us decorating and setting up everything for your party. " Max continued while answering her third question.

"We all did this because you are a great friend of ours and you deserved it and just so you know this was all Ash's plan" May replied her final question. As she said my name I came out from behind the others in front of her. I could feel a blush forming on my cheeks so in order to hide it I started to rub underneath my nose which I succeeded in doing.

" Ash when did you came here? And you planed all of this? " Serena asked me this time.I started to rub the back of neck and then I replayed her question " Well I wanted to do something special for you on your birthday so I decided to come here and throw you a surprise birthday party and also to support you for the Grand Festival. But I can't take all the credit for it because these guys helped me out as well. " I said the last part while looking at the others.

" I can't believe that you all did this for me I can't thank you all enough you don't know how much this means to me thank you all of you. " Serena said thanking all of us while saying the last part while looking directly at me.

We all enjoyed the party very much after a while we cut the cake and now it was time to open up the presents. Serena opened everyone's presents one by one. Leaving mine for last. She picked up my present and opened it carefully trying not to damage the wrapping paper. Once open it revealed a beautiful blue dress inside with a matching tiara. She looked at it with stars in her eyes before turning to me.

" I brought it for you to wear in the grand festival I hope you like it" I asked her hoping that she did. She looked at the dress and then at me again before saying " Ash I don't like it...." My heart stopped for a moment thinking about the reasons why didn't she like it I was brought back from my thoughts when she said " .....I love it Ash. " I let a breath that I didn't think that I was holding. After that we all enjoyed the party before it was late we all decided to call it a night.

~~~~ " Serena's POV " ~~~~

Today had been literally the best day of my life at first I thought that everyone including May had forgotten my birthday so I felt a little sad but when I later found out that they had thrown me a surprise birthday party I thought that my day can't get any better until I found out that it was all planed by my childhood crush Ash yes the same ASH with whom I had traveled with throughout my home region the same ASH with whom I shared a KISS with at the airport when departing from my friends to leave for Hoenn. I had a such great time that I couldn't sleep so I decided to go outside and sit on the stairs of the Pokemon center I was lost in my thoughts when I heard some steps approach me from behind.

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