Chapter # 3

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~~~~ " In Hoenn with Ash " ~~~~

The plane for Hoenn from Alola had landed safely. Many people were coming out of the plane including an excited young trainer and his Pikachu. They both rushed out of the airport nearly bumping into the many people there. Once outside the boy took a deep breath in and out.

~~~~ " Ash's POV " ~~~~

We had finally arrived in Hoenn once outside I looked at my surroundings nothing much had changed here. The people, the Pokémon, the buildings nothing had changed .

" It feels good to back doesn't it buddy. " I asked my partner.

" Pika " Translation " yeah " I got in a reply.

" Come on race you to the Pokémon center. " I said while taking off with Pikachu right behind me.

We reached the Pokémon in about fifteen minutes I took a quick glance inside before entering inside I saw many trainers beginners and experienced all relaxing in the lobby. While searching around I saw two similar face talking about something. I quickly made my way towards them.

" Hey guys it's been a long time? " I said while gaining their attention." Ash. " exclaimed Max while tackling me into a hug.

" It's nice to see you too Max. " I said while breaking away from the hug.

" Hey Ash how have you been and it sure has been a long time. " said Drew while extending a hand shake. I gladly shook his hand while saying " I am great as usual so how everything going? "

" Well stage one is already a go while we just finished planning stage two we were actually waiting for you to arrive so we can start stage two of the plan" Said Max while moving his glasses smartly.

" That's great and have you talked to nurse Joy about it? " I asked the two trainers.

" We did and she is okay with it as long as we don't make too much noise" Drew said in reply. We talked about the plan some more before going away to start it.

~~~~ " A few hours later at the mall with May and Serena " ~~~~

Serena and May were shopping in the near by mall for shopping for their incoming Grand festival. Both of them had spend the entire evening shopping and talking about various things.

~~~~ " Serena's POV " ~~~~

Last night I had fallen asleep outside after a while Nurse Joy had came and woke me up telling me to go inside to sleep I took Sylveon and went inside. The next morning I woke up a little late then usual due to being awake late at night I quickly took a shower and made my way downstairs. There I saw that everyone was already awake and talking as they saw me approaching they suddenly dropped the I just shrugged my shoulders and went to get my breakfast and then sat in my seat. Breakfast was really quiet nobody said anything for a while once I had finished my breakfast May asked me if I wanted to do some shopping before the grand festival to which I agreed and we made our way towards the shopping mall both the boys Max and Drew said that had some training to get done so they stayed behind. We did shopping for a few hours it was great to hangout with my friend as we were talking while sitting outside a cafe May got a message on her phone. She said that we should call it a day and we made our way towards the Pokémon center on the way I tried to ask who the message was from but May didn't reply me or just changed the subject this made suspicious that something was up but quickly drugged it off again. After a while we had reached the Pokémon center. May and I went to our rooms and dropped our stuffs there I quickly made my way outside as May said that she wanted to show me something as I locked the door of my room I saw May was already standing behind me so I asked her excitedly " So what it that you wanted to show me May? "

" It's a surprise follow me" She said while turning around and going downstairs.I quickly followed her and as I followed her I saw her heading towards the dinning area this got me a little confused. As we made our way there May stopped outside and told me to go inside I did as I was told as I entered inside all the lights were turned of I took a few steps forward and turned on the lights. As the light filled the room I heard a loud noise.


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