Chapter # 6

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The next morning was very quite and beautiful there many Swallows and Winguls chirping and flying very peacefully. There were many Zigzagoon and Skitty's playing around and one could also spot many other Pokémon walking around and having a great time. Many trainers could also be seen around training their Pokémon and having fun with them.

~~~~ " May's Pov " ~~~~

I surprisingly got up early in the morning I myself did not know if it was due to the fact that I wanted to spend some time with one of my oldest friend Ash who had arrived yesterday r something else. I got up from my bed and changed my dress and did my hair and brushed my teeth's before heading down to get my breakfast as I made my way towards the dinning hall I only saw my brother Max and my boyfriend Drew. I said hello to them both of them and sat down to eat my breakfast. While eating I asked " Hey guys have any of you seen Ash and Serena" .

Max shook his head while Drew just shrugged and said " They are probably resting up from last night I mean Ash did make a long journey from Alola to all the way here and you did tire Serena out by shopping all day yesterday" .

I didn't ask anything else and we ate breakfast in silence and just as we were finishing our breakfast I saw Serena coming in and after grabbing her breakfast made her way towards our table. After greeting us she started eating her breakfast. A while later Ash and Pikachu made there way to the table and Ash started eating his food faster then a Snorlax honestly he sometimes reminds me of one too. After everyone had finished their breakfast Serena ask " So Ash you ready for our battle? "

To which he replied " Of course I was born ready right Pikachu? "

" PIKACHU " Translation " Yeah let's do this" Said his ever cheery partner and friend.

" Yet you were still late to get your first Pokémon" Max said while smirking. To which we all except Ash laughed who pouted at the comment at first but soon joined in as well. After the laughter had died down I asked about the battle they were having and they both told us we would find out soon.


Outside at the battle field of the Pokémon center both Ash and Serena were on opposite sides of the battle field each having a Pokéball in hand Drew was standing as the referee while Max and I were cheering from the side lines many other trainers who were staying at the Pokémon center were also excited to watch the battle.

~~~~ " Author's POV " ~~~~

" All right this will be a one-on-one battle between trainer Ash Ketchum from Pallet town Kanto region versus performer Serena Yvonne from Vanville town Kalos region each sides will choose one Pokémon each the first person to defeat their opponent's Pokémon wins. Trainers release your Pokémon" Asked the green head.

" All right Greninja I choose you" Said the raven haired trainer while releasing his most powerful partner. From the side lines everyone was curious as to see what the water ninja Pokemon could do.

" Delphox come on out" Said the honey blonde Kalos native before releasing the fire fox Pokémon. Which in turn got confused looks from her friends on the sidelines.

" I see Braixen finally evolved huh?" Ash asked happy to see how much his childhood friend had progressed since he last saw her.

" We didn't give up till it was over and it still isn't we still have a long way to go before we reach the top and we will reach it together right Delphox." Serena asked her partner.

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