Chapter # 5

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~~~~ " Serena's POV " ~~~~

I was sitting outside the Pokemon center lost in my thoughts when I heard someone walk towards me from behind I turned around to see who it was and I saw Ash come up and sit besides me. Both of us sat there in silence. I looked up towards the stars in the sky.

" It's beautiful isn't it ? " I asked without tearing my gaze from the sky.

" Yeah it is. " Ash replied also looking up at the sky. We both sat there in silence for a while when I remembered something.

" Hey Ash ? " I say while gaining his attention.

" Yeah " He said in reply while still looking towards the sky.

" I have something for you " He looked towards me.

" Really? what is it ? " he asked me with curiously. Without replying I took Greninja's Pokéball from my pocket and held it in front of him. He looked shocked to see it and slowly took the Pokéball. Staring at it for a while.

" Open it " I say and he does as he is told.


~~~~ " Ash's POV " ~~~~

I was a little shocked to see Serena holding out Greninja's Pokéball for me to take. I slowly took it from her hands and stared towards it.

" Open it" She told me and I do as I am told.


As I say it a bright blue light comes from the Pokéball after a few moments I see a Pokemon in front of me I instantly recognized it and pulled it into a hug.

"I missed you so much Greninja. " I say while hugging my partner with tears in my eye's.

" Ninja " Translation " I did too. " . Replied Greninja. After a few moments we release each other from the hug I look towards Serena and ask her.

" How did you get Greninja here? " she giggles. Oh how I missed that cute giggle of hers.

Before saying " It's a long story" and mentions for both of us to sit down.

~~~~ " Serena's Pov " ~~~~

~~~~ " FLASHBACK " ~~~~

" Bye Ash" . I say as the screen turns black. I got up ready to go and join my friends when I hear a digital voice from behind me saying " Calling Serena Yvonne from Lumiose city".

I quickly pick the call to see Professor Sycamore on the other side of the screen.

" Hi Professor" I greet him.

" Hello Serena how's everything going in Heonn? " He asked me.

" Everything is going great Professor I recently won my fifth ribbon. Can I ask why you called me? 

" I ask him not knowing the reason why he called.

" Ah yes about that there is something I wanted you to do for me can I count on you to do it" he replied.

" Of course Professor what can I do for you? " I ask him.

"Actually I won't be able to tell you now but why don't you come and meet me at my lab. I hope to see you here soon Serena I won't keep you long so you don't have to worry about missing the Grand Festival. I have to go now I have to make preparations for the new trainers who will be starting their journey today. " He added.

"Alright Professor I will come there as soon as I can. Bye. " I say while ending the call I sit there for a while thinking about what it could be?


" Hello is anyone in here? " I ask while walking inside the lab.

" Ah Serena it's always a pleasure to see you" Says the Professor while coming out of a hallway.

" Hello Professor it's nice to see you too you said that there was something you want me to do so here I am" I say to him in reply.

" Well there is someone here who wants to see you they will tell you your task follow me I will show you where they are. " The Professor says while walking up the stairs and motioning me to follow him I simply nod and follow him. The Professor stops outside a room which seems to be his office. He opens the door and motions me step inside. Once inside he tells me sit down until he comes back with the other's. I sat on one of the chairs in the office as I look around and see different picture hanging on the wall one picture in particular placed on a table catches my attention I slowly get up and pick up the picture I see a photograph of me, Ash, Clemont, Bonnie, Alain, Marin and all of our Pokemon including Squishy and Z2 after the Kalos incident. I hear the door opening from behind me I quickly place the photograph back and face the Professor quickly walks in and behind him Greninja, Z2 and Squishy riding on Greninja's shoulder walk in.

~~~~ " END OF FLASH BACK " ~~~~

" And that is how I met Greninja. Squishy told me that all the roots had been destroyed and that Kalos was safe once again so now it was okay for Greninja to come back to you. Turns out that Squishy somehow knew that I had Greninja's Pokeball with me so they called me to get him to you and since I already knew where you were I agreed to take Greninja with me to reunite you two after the Grand Festival. " I say while ending my story. I look towards Ash who takes me by surprise by hugging me I could immediately feel the heat rising on my cheeks.

" Thank you Serena you don't know how much this means to me. " He says while hugging me.

" Your welcome Ash. " I say while hugging back. After a while much to my disappointment he releases me from the hug and begins to rub his finger under his nose while flashing his signature grin to which I cannot help but smile in reply.

" Thank you again Serena if there is anything I can do for you please tell me? " He asks me.I think for a moment before replying " Hmm how about a battle battle against Ash-Greninja? "

" Are you sure Serena? "He says not wanting to hurt any of my Pokemon or me. I smile before turning away to look towards the sky and replying.

" Don't worry Ash me and my Pokemon will be alright let's have a battle first thing in the morning. It will me get ready for the Grand Festival and will help to see if both of you have still got what it takes to be the best" . I turn back towards him to see him excited as always.He pumps his fist in the air and says " Alright I can't wait for our battle tomorrow. " I giggle at his behavior looks like somethings never change. After a few minutes of talking we both decide to call it a night and head inside to get some rest for our battle tomorrow.

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