Chapter # 7

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~~~~ " Author's POV " ~~~~

Everyone was up early in the morning they were at the table eating their break fast and chatting about everything and anything but mostly about Ash-Greninja and Serena-Delphox and the Grand festival. Today was opening day for the Grand Festival so there would only be introductions of the participants and a special performance form Wallace for the crowd. The gang had decided to go to the Performance hall for introductions and to see when they will perform and then spend the day relaxing with their Pokémon so they won't be tired for their performance the next day the official day for the start of the Grand Festival but a certain raven haired boy had different plans for the day.

~~~~ " Ash's POV " ~~~~

I couldn't help but be proud of how far all of my friends have came from since the start of my journey years ago with Misty and Brock. Misty is running the Cerulean Gym all by her self while her sisters are travelling. Brock is studying to be a Pokémon doctor and he is very good at it as well from the last time I had seen him taking care of Pokémon. Tracey is achieving his dreams of becoming a Pokémon Professor with Professor Oak. May has come close to becoming a Top coordinator more than once even though at first sought out to explore the world during her journey she had made many friends and rivals a like she has also grown very much as a person and she is very happy with Drew. Max has finally became a Pokémon and takes care of his Pokémon very well he will be a great trainer one day and run his fathers Gym well. Dawn although she had difficulties at first but she didn't give up till the end and was able to reach the finals of the Sinnoh Grand Festival. Cilan is currently travelling the world and is becoming an even better Pokémon connoisseur last time he had told me that he will soon be becoming an S-class connoisseur. Iris is also traveling the world in order to become a Dragon type master she has recently visited Kanto and is currently travelling in the Johto region she also said that she had captured a Druddigon during her travels she had been training hard with her Pokémon and hopes to defeat her father in a Pokémon battle soon. Clemont was staying at the Gym but is now currently travelling with Bonnie through her travels through out the Kalos region while him and Bonnie were staying at the Gym they both were able to recover some of Clembot's memories and taught him the other things which they weren't able to recover and during that time he worked at his job at the gym and sometimes let Clembot take care of the Gym so he could work on his inventions. Bonnie is now a trainer she is travelling around the Kalos region alone while challenging Gyms and taking part in Pokémon Showcase's she had even told Serena to tell him that she would like to challenge him to a battle him the next time they would meet when she found out that they were still in contact since the last time since the last time I talked to the Lumiose siblings was months ago. And Lastly Serena she had grown a lot since she started her journey with me and the others at first she had set out with no proper goal other than seeing me and returning the handkerchief I had used to tie around her knee when they were younger and she was lost in a forest she really grown a lot since then. She had first heard about Pokémon Showcases from Shauna and had decided to take part in them she had trained really hard day and night for her debut but it didn't end well for her and Fennekin they had ended losing in the first round she had been devastated by her loss and had tried her best to hide it from us even though I could tell because it was the same as the time when I had lost my first league when Bonnie told me that Serena had yet to arrive I became worried for her. I was about to go looking for her when she had arrived she looked beautiful as ever in her new dress at that time. When I saw that she had used the ribbon I had given her I could help but feel happy. That day she had proved that she really did never give up till the end she took her loss as an example to work harder to achieve her goals and she did and eventually she made to the finals of the Pokémon master class showcase it was close but she ended up being defeated by the current Kalos Queen Aria that night I was worried about her and when I saw her outside I decided to check on her she told me that she didn't know what to do next I told her that it would come to her eventually just like it did before and that I would always be there for her when she needed help she ended up continuing her travels with us she had also helped me a lot throughout my journey through the Kalos region if it hadn't been for her I still think I would be stuck trying to defeat Wolfric and perfecting the bond phenomenon I owe her a lot especially for the parting gift she had given me when we were separating our ways to achieve our own goals it was the most memorable departure I had ever had I still like to look back to that day and every time I do a smile and a blush makes it's way on my face the kiss had been something very special. Serena had opened my eyes to the concept of love and I fell for her even deeper when I looked back at the adventures we had together and the small but cute moments we shared together especially the time when I became sick and she had taken my place and clothes to battle I have to admit she looked really cute in them.I was shaken out of my thought's by the voice of the Vivian saying that all the 32 contestant's will be be sorted out in four groups each group will have 8 coordinator's each. The first round was the performance round and only the top 2 coordinator's from each group would be able to advance in to the second round which would be the battle round where. She had now called up all the coordinator's on stage and was introducing all of them I was glancing towards them I recognized some of the faces in the crowd there was Dawn, Zoey, Kenny, Ursula, Harley, May, Drew and of course Serena along with many other coordinators that I had seen before but didn't know much about. As my eyes met Serena's they locked instantly none of us willing to break the eye contact I could see that she looked a bit nervous but slowly got comfortable on the stage and there small pink dust on her cheeks and it really did make her look cute when she blushed and I couldn't help but grin at her and it made her blush more and she looked even more cute all the while I had my eye contact with her I couldn't help but admire her beautiful cerulean blue eyes the same eyes I could drown in for the rest of my life. Eventually we broke eye contact due to the loud voice of Vivian saying that it was time to tell which contestant will be in which Group.As the first set of 8 cards had appeared on the screen everybody was eagerly waiting to see which of the performers will be in Group A as the cards flipped the first Group was announced it consisted of Dawn, Kenny and six other coordinators I didn't know much about since their Group was first they would be performing on the first day along with Group B while Group C and D would be performing the day after that.

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