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I had only realized when I got home how long I had been out - the whole school day. The nurse had called my mother, but apparently, she said that it was unnecessary and to keep me in the infirmary. Of course, the nurse didn't question it, they never do. But I knew that this tiny mistake I did, will bite me in the ass because my mother is waiting in the foyer, furious. Her arms are crossed as she frowns angrily at me. There weren't any cars up front so I know for sure that the house is empty. I gulp. 

Unfolding her arms, she walks toward me. Like a predator slowly walking toward its scared and frozen prey. My flight or fight responses did not respond as I stand frozen. Her fingers pinches my chin as she brought my face up "I heard you fainted, or did you purposefully act out so you could miss out on your studies. You are a shame to this family, you do not deserve to even be engaged to him . Mevelyne should have gotten the place if Leia couldn't. You're mine here, you are supposed to stay here." She smiled. I hated that smile. Her eyes held too much evil and hate for me; her daughter. "What should I do with you...the basement?" her eyes glinted at the thought "or no food for a little while longer... hmmm well, food it is. You need to lose weight anyway, you're too fat - you'll never fit in your wedding dress" And in walked my siblings. It didn't change much whether I was being starved or not, I barely ate anyway. Walking to my room, I made my way to my mirror and looked at my reflection. Was I fat? I was pretty slim, or I thought so. With a few curves but they were not prominent from not eating much. My cheeks were a little chubby I guess.. the more I look at myself, the more flaws I found, the more I hated myself, and the more the words my mother said echoed in my mind to the point of believing them. I turned, better to walk away for now. And I went to shower. Before long, I was missing dinner, sitting on my desk chair, studying, and doing my homework. It was okay. I'll be okay...

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Friday morning, the last day of school before the weekend and I'm nervous and excited to go to school to see Aileene, though I have an inkling she will not be in today, I can feel it. Maybe I could see if I can invite her for a date this Saturday or Sunday and take her out for a dinner, maybe she will like that, or even go to the movies, I don't know where I should take her. On my way to school, I decided in my head what I am going to do, as I will need to think fast to revise a plan and set it into stone and invite her. 

Walking up to class, I meet up with my mates. "Hey, dude! We didn't officially congratulate you on your engagement and the job positions!" 

"yeh, congrats!" My two friends said. They were good friends. Also heirs to their parents' businesses. So it was a good thing to make connections with them and be friends and close, it'd be useful when we all become business partners. Only am I thinking this way now due to the fact that I am to take over. 

"Thanks, bro" I replied and looked around the room, it was science today, Aileene usually had science with me. But I didn't see her. Just like I thought, she wouldn't be in today, she probably was quite sick. Perhaps, I should go and visit her, I thought. 

I possibly have missed half of my school day thinking of what I could plan for Aila, I wished i could be there for her right now and help her as she gets better, i would love to have cooked her some of my mum's famous noodle remedy. 

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