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So i am back after a year on this book, or maybe not sure. 

I am currently editing my other book and changing the story just slightly, once i finished this one, i will come back to this one; i will edit it and change the story line slightly. Don't worry not much will change from the original, i just found it is better to redo it as when i was first writing the story, my level of English literature and grammar wasn't that good. 

I will post another notice when i will start the editing, the edited chapter will have the "edited" word next tot he chapter title when done, depending on school work, it might take a long time before i finish the other book, i hope it goes fast. 

I know i have no ended this book, but there is for sure going to be a sequel of this story about one of the story (or maybe all of them, who knows)

Anyway, thank you, and hopefully, see you all soon!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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