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Couple of hours later, Aileene woke up. Her heavy eyelids make out the figure of her future husband layed in the chair nearby.

- M-matthew, she Say really quietly. A-are you a-awake?

No response, she smiled faintly and watch him lovingly. Her stomach slightly was Painful as if somebody cut open her stomach. She then pauses, deep in thought. Did they do a surgery on her? She closes her eyes back, but soon After open them hearing people talking.

- Hello darling, a quiet and high pitch voice was heard. How are you feeling dear ?

Ailey open her eyes fully, at first seeing the World blury. She then see her mother.

- Mom? Aileene Say, faintly and quietly too.

- its me love, she responded.

She was in a wheelchair since she did the surgery earlier she couldn't move a lot.

- Mum, why are you in a wheelchair ?, She ask.

- I gaved you one of my kidneys so you didn't die. Her mother responded.

-Mum... She Say, tearing up. Y-you didn't have to.

Aileene start to cry, as her mother Yrsa hugged her tightly. Yrsa carress softly Aila's hair.

- you need to rest Aila, her mother Said. I'll Come back later, alright love?

Aileene nodded and layed back down, wincing at the scar the surgery made. She close her eyes as the door for her mother to exit. She open her eyes and spot Matthew next to her. "Matthew ?"
He look up and held her hand with a light smile, he leaned over and kisses her. Ailey kisses back, and After awhile, He pulled back. He sat back down and smiled holding her hand tightly. She fell alseep again, having a surgery was often really exhausting.

Couple of days later, Ailey was preparing to go Home along her mother. Her father was currently Signing them both out. Once this has done, Aileene and Yrsa finally left the hospital. They climb up a car and went Home.

Later in the day, a news came out.
[Aileene from Shea Corps was Seen coming out of the hospital !]
[Yrsa and Aileene Seen at hospital.]
[The princess of Corps business sick?]

All those headers where Seen on their internet. This piece of news made their way everywhere. Olav tried to delete those news with his PR department. But they Always seemed to come back out.

Ailey had camed back to her Household for the Time being. Even thought they might be disturbed by the reporters. The Bodyguards of the Family protected the area and the house, stopping them from trespassing.

The next day, Aila got ready for school like usual, she added her makeup to cover herself some colors as she look pale and tired. Yuling had camed to also help her along with her stylist. Once ready, she went downstairs and had her breakfast. A knock was heard and Matthew step in

-its difficult to enter when reporters are all over the place, he state. And smiled at her.

Ailey smiled back and ran to him, hugging him Tightly, he wrap his arm around her. She look up and smiled
-i'm ready to go. she said confident.

He smiled and took her hand and her bag, they quit the room to the outside and made their way to outside the gate.

Reporter 1: Aileene could you tell us why you were at the hospital ?

- i don't want to Say anything, please leave me and my personnaly life alone. She said.

Reporter 2: Are you really sick? You were Seen yesterday out of the hospital, pale and tired.

- i said leave me Alone! She yelled. She start to walk again until they reach the car. She held on tightly to Matthew's arm. She was feeling kinda Dizzy. They step inside the car and it start to Drive.

3 hours later, 3rd period at school, another news came out. It was a medical paper, and it was Ailey's informations.

[Aileene has cancer!]
[the second princess of Corps is dying]
[Shui's fiance: has leukemia]

And other headers, phone start to ring and beep as everyone look at their phone. Ailey was intrigued and look at Matthew who's face quickly change to worries. Somebody next to her showed her, her eyes lock on the news. Matthew quickly stood up and took the phone away and gave it back to the person
- we're going, he ordered

She was Frozen but she still moved, everyone had their eyes on her making her feel uncomfortable and over-whelmed. Once they got outside they were surprised to see a car waiting for them. Yong was in the car
- i Saw the news, he said. Get in

They both got in, Lost in thought
-how did it get leaked? She ask.
- i don't know dear, he responded. We're trying to found out. We are currently running an investigation.
-ok. She mumbled
- don't worry love, matt Say. Everything will be alright.

He kissed her forehead and she smiled faintly
-okay, she Whispered and layed her head on his shoulder. Will i die? She ask
They both stayed silent before one responded.
- of course not, Yong Say.

The rest of the Drive stayed silent.

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