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New character :Name: Maxim Xuo QuingNickname : Max, Xuo, Xim

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New character :
Name: Maxim Xuo Quing
Nickname : Max, Xuo, Xim.
Âge: 17 years old
Crush: Aileene.
Rel. Stat.: Single


POV: Max

This day, i returned home, thinking about a girl. It was a long Time since i felt this way before, it was quite strange. The girl i saw earlier was Aileene, she look quit timid, but her pride and way she got those nasty girl away was surprising. She look weak and innocent on the outside but is actually strong in the inside. It was actually surprising, and also growed my interest in her. 

Aileene look so fragile and need to be taken care of, maybe the way she acts is because of her past, i don't know.

but she's now off-limit, she has a fiance and will soon get married. Wait..... maybe its just for business, i may have  chance then...


sorry that was short ;-;


POV: Matthew

After school,  me and Aileene walk back to the car, we board in drove  back to the Shui household.  At our arrival, a car, i have not seen before, was in our courtyard. Aileene's face changed colour as it go pale.

"what's wrong?" i ask

"its my mother.... it's my mothe's car....." she replied quietly, with a worried tone.

We walk out of the car and walk in the building, she was right, Aileene's mother was sat in the living room with my mother. "hello mother" i say entering the room followed by Ailey who stayed quiet.

"Aileene!! you're here!! let's go home!" Mother Shea says, she stood up and walk to Aileene. She then turned around and look at Mother Shui and bowed "sorry for any inconvenience, i promise i it will not happened again. And thank you for looking after her" she added

Mother Shui was a little suspicious but just nodded along. Yrsa took Ailey's hand, but she shook it off and yelled "don't touch me!! don't touch me...."


Mother shea had slapped Aileene's face again, the young female glanced at me and back at her mother. My mother then step in "leave" she said "and don't come back didn't you say you were going to stop, but what did you do just now?" Yan then slapped Mother Shea and ordered for the housekeeper to kick her out. He do as she was ask and took her by the arm and put her outside.

I go to Aileene and hugged her, i could feel that she was on the edge of crying again. My mother came to us and look at her face "she didn't o to hard, you should be fine..." she says.

I slowly walk to the sofa, directing Ailey with me. I sat down and her. I pulled her in my embrace and hugged her tightly. She start to cry "i'm sorry.... i'm really sorry....". My heart ache a little, i couldn't bare to see the sad her, i wanted to make her happy all her life, i want to see her beautiful smile. She kept crying and crying while my mother watch us, she had made a good idea. She couldn't let her daughter-in-law be hit or verbally abuse. She couldn't bear, our family has always been open to each other, and only result problems with words and not violence, i never seen my mother hit somebody, but she deserve it. She shouldn't have hit Ailey.

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