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POV: Matthew

After she went, i walk back to my room. I was obviously thinking about her. Walking around my room, i found my emotions a little mix up too. After awhile, a quiet knock was heard, i was lucky to be quiet and not busy to hear this, because as soon as i open this blue door, a brunette jump in my arms to hug me. Aileene has indeed came to my room and hugged me. I hugged her back gently, as i let her cry once more.

"Do you love me?" She ask, Taken aback a little. I reply: "our marriage will be only for business. There's no love in this". I regretted saying this, i wanted to tell her that i loved her, and that all the Times i Saw her, i wanted to be with her, to be her husband. But the day, our Parents announce are engagement, she said that they was going to be no love. So, i just had to Say what she had Say. I didn't want to hurt myself by saying i did love her.

After releasing her from my embrace,  I quickly catch her as she faint, this went to fast. I didn't get time to process this. It was to sudden. In the morning, I woke up. Still worrying about her, she was so fragile yet, she acted strong.

At the table, seeing her still a little sick made my heart ache, I hate seeing her in pain, or sick or anything. I can't bare it.

We step into the car,  and i look at the spaced out and pale girl next to me,  she didn't look really well.

We then arrived at the school and walk hand in hand inside the building,  I could feel her hand shaking in my hand. The bell rang,  and like any other student we headed to our class. Ailey sat at her desk and I sat as mine. Classes was extremely long,  and bizarrely, Aileene was sleeping on her desk, well half asleep, she was just distracted. At lunch time, she didn't eat lot either. 

"Ailey, you need to eat you don't want to faint again" I say.

"I won't faint Matt" she replied. "I'm just not hungry " she added.

"Ailey, please " he ask, once again.

"fine.... " she replied. She took her rice ball and start to eat it. I hugged her a little, not caring about people's opinion.

For next lesson, we were not in the same class, I took my way, and she took hers. On the way to my class,  a big commotion was happening. Going closer to see what was wrong, I overheard.

"I heard that the heiress of Shea keep fainting and that she's often sick. " one says.
"does she has an illness? Is it contagious?" another say.
Then a girl camed running "girls! Guess what! You know Aileene,  apparently she fainted again, in the hallways, near her classroom. There's a lot of people over there!"

Hearing this, made me ran to her class, hurrying to the scene, seeing the pale and unconscious girl on the floor made me even more hurt inside.  I walk to her and lift her up, as I quickly walk to the infirmary. Mum and dad should take her to the hospital, this is not normal. I was even more worried. Father Shui and Mother Shui heard about it. The headmistress walk to the medical room and look at Ailey and at Matt "don't worry, we're going to take her to the hospital. Your father will be soon here, get her staff from her locker, we will be going in awhile" she says.

I felt a little more reassured, but i didn't Know that what was to come, will make me break to pieces.

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