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In Matthew's class
POV: Matthew

I walk into class, conversation were already talking about Aileene. False rumors were made, it pained me to hears those chats. i walk to my desk and sat down like usual.

Tonny: " Hey, i've heard that Aileene is back, how is she? A lot of people are talking about her wrongly in her class." he says as he took a chair to sit in front of me.

"i'll talk to her after class...." i responded.

Class then started, during the whole lesson and second lesson were spend on only thinking about Ailey. After class, i walk to her classroom and waited for her outside.

N1: "Hello Matt" one of the girls from earlier says noticing me. Aileene lift her head to look after, she quickly took her books and bags and walk to the door, i followed behind her. "what happened?" i ask.

She kept quiet, she carried on to walk until we reach the rooftop which was empty. We sat on a bench "what happened?" i ask again.

"nothing" she responded "just wanted to leave the class as soon as possible"

"why?" i ask

"just, because it was hot in the room" she lied

"i know you are lying... tell me what happened" i ask once more again, being persistent.

".... the girl who just called after you in the class, don't talk to her. She's a fake friend. I overheard her and two other girls conversation, they were saying i was attention seeker, and they also think i pretended when i nearly fainted, and that the days off was just so people could feel 'sympathy' for me. They also say that they were just pretending to be my friends.. i guess they are true, i do not have any friends here... I've only been here for one day, made 3 'fake' friends,  then next day, i nearly fainted and few days off and everybody think I'm pretending and that i am an attention seeker."  she says

"Don't worry, you know that they are people who don't believe those rumors, you don't have to worry about this. If you want you can stay with me and my friends?" I ask

"i don't want to be a bother to you and your mates" she responded

"no, you won't. They really want to meet you, they want to know who is the girl i will be marrying. I'm sure they'll like you"

"Aren't you scared that they might steal my heart and ruined the engagement?" she ask

"if they dared to take you away from me, i will go berzek and kill them" i responded " Are you willing to be my wife, but to only love me and never let someone steal you away from me?"

i look at her, seeing the light blush on her cheeks made me smirk happily. I took this opportunity to hugged her tightly. She didn't refute which made me happy. She hugged him back. "i promise i won't let anybody steal me" she says. "lets go to class!! i have English with you, do you want to walk with me?" she offered

"how can i refuse my future wife" i chuckle. She also giggle and start to walk. "Wait you are forgetting something" i say. She stop walking and i go towards her, i take her hand and hold it. I look at her hand "You're wearing the ring?" i say

"mmhmm" she nodded "did you know that diamonds is April's Birthstone.?" she added

"No,  i didn't. But now i do. " i smirk.

We walked to class holding hands, it was quite strange. We stepped inside our class and sat in our seats. I look at her while she got her books ready.

Tonny: "Yo dude! why did you not come to our hangout place?" he ask

I point with my chin Aileene " She ran away before i could even talk to her, i followed to the rooftop, and talk to her. You don't mind if she stays with us?" i ask

Tonny:" yeah, sure bro. Another member, and its a girl" he joke "yeah, i don't mind Matthew."

"thanks mate" i responded.

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