The Perfect Equation (One Direction Fanfiction)

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Chapter One: The Perfect Partners

Living in a place like Cheshire had its perks. It was quaint, everybody seemed like they knew just about everyone but in all honesty they had absolutely no clue as to who the guy that had just walked past and gave them a quick a ‘hello’s’ first name. The one thing you could count on about the people in this town is that they knew who Harry Styles was. He was the school resident hottie. Everything revolved around the curly haired boy. Maybe it was his chestnut brown hair fell over his light green eyes or maybe it was those dimples that came out of hiding when he grins. In all fairness, Amber did not understand why he was so fucking popular. Sure, he did have good looks and he played sports. Captain in three or four of the teams but still it didn’t really affect her views on the boy. He, to her, was nothing more than a dumb jock. Amber wouldn’t let a schoolgirl crush affect her chances of achieving a scholarship to a pristine University.

Amber had never been one to rely on anyone. Not even her parents or brother, sure they were as close as any family. Maybe closer but it’s just not like her to wait on someone, she was, what people would call, an independent soul. Amber cherished her independence like a girl adores her iPhone or that Chanel lip-gloss. It’s her independence along with her knack for knowledge that keeps her sane in a little place like Cheshire.

Today was just like any other for Amber, it was a very chilly autumn in the quaint little town. Most leaves were ready to let go of the branch they resided in for the summer and were falling onto the pavement. A faint sound of crushing leaves surrounded Amber as well as the sound of cars passing by as she walked to her secondary school. She felt shoulders brush hers as her classmates made their way to the school. The group in front of her laughed and joked as Amber blasted her iPod up to block out the sound of any giggles or jokes. Suddenly her surroundings had disappeared into the world of indie music.

Now, don’t start thinking Amber is ugly or undesirable nor should you imagine her as one of those stereotypical nerd, the ones you see on those T.V shows and you wish that they would just get a makeover and live happily ever after, because she’s not. Amber is anything but what you have plastered in your pretty little mind; in fact, she was probably one of the most attractive people you could meet. Her light brown locks cascade down her shoulders and her baby-blue orbs hidden behind her black-framed glasses. The thing about Amber is that she didn’t care about her looks. She is a firm believer that you have to work with what you were given with and she wasn’t that interested in layering her face with endless amounts of make up filled with harsh chemicals. Instead she just goes with whatever she comes out of the shower with. No one ever notices the beauty behind the brains of this Cheshire girl, especially the ‘popular group’; this group was too self-involved to think of the people outside the borders of their faction. And Amber was so far off of the border that if they were America she would be Antarctica.

The walk seemed endless but she was never late, Amber walked through the doors of the school and glided through the clumps of people that enclosed the spaces of the halls. Everyone had the same uniforms but somehow people always found a way to sneak past the rules and regulations, Amber was never one to risk anything to look better than someone. That was one of her own personal rules along with the following:

1.     Don’t catch the attention of anyone in the popular group. Good or Bad.

2.     Don’t embarrass anyone nor embarrass yourself.

3.     No unnecessary partying and/or tomfoolery.

Amber has been doing well so far, why should she break any of those rules now? She was sixteen and she had a whole life ahead of her past this school. She walked past the main office and made her way to her locker. Amber had never been anti-social; she was just picky of the company she allows into her life. Cara was the only one that got her to open up about her life and since then Amber has deemed her relevant. Like every other day, Cara had been waiting for Amber with her books held in front of her chest, a smile on her face and a dreamy look at the Popular group. This look was mostly for the one and only Harry Styles but the exception was Amber’s brother, Aaron. He is exactly twenty seconds older than herself but that never came out with the way he acted around everyone. Most would think that Amber was the oldest twin but they would be mistaken.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2012 ⏰

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