𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝚐𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚐𝚘 𝚏𝚊𝚛, 𝚔𝚒𝚍

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It was April 13th 2002 when a husband and wife got to experience the making of a full family, the hospital was hysterical with the early baby's arrival; three months early to be exact. Poor Madison and Christopher Vincent wondering if she or the baby were going to live, if the baby was going to be alright. Everything just went by so fast doctors and nurses arriving into the room with Madison laying on bed in pain the crowd pushing the husband away. Minutes turned to hours in his head, but finally he heard that little cry. He got the chance to finally meet his daughter. He carried her in his arms crying alongside his lovely wife. Time stood still and everything was just perfect.

Alright so enough stories I don't remember. My name is Katherine Vincent, Kate for short. So the story you just witnessed was well... my birth; at least my dad's version. So let's get the whole story. From the thing I just told you about, I don't remember a thing, actually the first thing I remember was the birth of my brother Charly; I was a year old at the time and his was like that scene from Lilo and Stitch when she prays for an angel to be her friend and Stitch's ship crashes and he laughs like some psycho somewhere else. That was the birth of my brother aka, my best friend. Now enough about that thing that we suspect to be my brother. To be honest I've never been satisfied with the because that's the way things are answer; I've always wanted to know why certain things happen or why they are the way they are. My first book was your classical princess story, which, be human,to be honest, I never read those stories. Instead I engulf history books, biographies, facts and I absolutely love it. I wanted to be like those people, make a change.

Then I knew what change I wanted to make, I wanted to save the environment.

So you may know about the deadline, 2030, we either clean up our mess by that year or we're doomed. I do everything I can to make that known better and to make people stand up and make a change, but of course; who would listen to a seventeen year old?

Well now let's get down to a day in my life shall we?

Every morning I wake up at 7:00 am and put my favorite song ever, dancing in the moonlight by toploader. I jam the hell out of it as I get ready for school. I usually just get a long sleeve white shirt with navy blue horizontal lines across it, red jeans, white tennis and my red hair in a ponytail because I hate having hair on my face. After that I make breakfast for myself and wait for my brother to complain about going to school everyday for nearly half an hour as he just throws some cereal on his plate. Then I brush my teeth, get my books in my backpack, grab my keys and drive myself and my brother to school. So enough chit chat from me and let's just see how things unfold.

The road was the same as always, the neighborhood with beautiful trees. "Why can't we just skip school? Just for today." Charly asked me. I looked at him briefly.

"Because Mom and dad trust us getting there, and I don't know about you but I would never disappoint them." I said keeping my eyes on the road.

He rolled his eyes. "Well that's because you're the responsible one, but what about me?"

"Well you're pretty good at music."

"But it's not enough." I chuckled. "It's enough for me." I comforted him.

Once we arrive we part ways since, he's a year younger than me. I went to my locker and grabbed my English books, I went in and well...I don't think you want to know what I saw in class so skip.

Then I had lunch. I sat on the same table I usually sit on and I saw my friends Emma and Mackenzie. I waved at them and they got a spot on the table.

"Hey Kate!" Mackenzie greeted. "How have you been?" Emma asked. "Alright, I think." I chuckled.

"Have you seen the new guy?" Emma asked excited. I shook my head. Her mouth dropped.

I looked at both of them confused. "Why? Is he hot or something?" I asked smiling. It wasn't like I cared but they definitely did.

They looked over their shoulder and then back at me. "Not only that but he's looking at you." Mackenzie said with a smirk.

"Come on, you know I would never have a relationship until I'm ready." I said denying it.

"Aw, and when is that?! I don't want to see you down the altar on a wheelchair and white hair!" Emma exclaimed.

"Oh trust me you won't, because I feel like I don't need a man to be happy you know?" I shrugged.

They rolled their eyes. "You're seventeen and you never had a boyfriend before, millions of guys are trying to get to you but you reject them. Don't you think it's time for you to finally give someone a chance?" Mackenzie questioned.

"Not yet, see this is how high school relationships go: you fall in love with someone and only IF that someone likes you back then you guys can be a couple. Everything is perfect and romantic right?" They both nodded. I stabbed the tray with one of the forks the cafeteria gives you. "Wrong, you then later find out he or she doesn't like you anymore so boom. Relationship over, and it's even worse when you were friends before that because once you break up not only you won't love each other anymore, but your once friendship will NEVER be the same and..." I was cut off.

"Sorry to interrupt you but, do you know where room 15 is? I have my next class there and I'm pretty much lost." Well if it wasn't that guy they were talking about.

"Oh yeah, actually my friend here has her next class there too. Maybe she can take you there." Emma said winking at me. Crap.

He looked at me with a gentle smile, I could tell my friends were melting over him; I never knew why they do that. "Sure, why not?" I said confident.

We were walking down the hall with this uncomfortable silence he broke. "Um- I suppose we haven't met properly." He started.

."I suppose not." I mocked. "I'm Kate."

He had this smile as if he had fireworks inside him. Kind of like the ones my friends had. "Cameron." He said nervous.

I popped my lips. "So this is room 15, our last stop." I showed, the bell rang just when I spoke speaking. Both our eyes widened and smiled. "Well if that wasn't a coincidence I don't know what is." He said smiling.


"So how was school?" My mom asked. Charly shrugged. "Good, I guess." He said.

I kept eating my pizza until my mom looked at me. "And how about you Kate? I heard there's this new boy..." I cut her off looking at Charly. "Did you tell?!" I questioned.

"Maybe, but not just me! Let's say you're friends aren't discrete at all." He said and he took a bite of his pizza.

I sighed and face palmed. "So who is he?" My mom asked curious.

I stared at her. "No one, I helped him find a classroom. Mackenzie swears he found me attractive, but unfortunately for everyone I felt nothing. Anyway, is dad coming?" I tried to change the subject.

"No, he got caught up in work but he promised to take us to the forest tomorrow, for a picnic." She said smiling.

"I'm so in." I said as I stood and picked up my plate. "I'm doing the dishes tonight!" I screamed across the room. With that they both left and called it a day.

𝑊𝑒 𝐷𝑖𝑑𝑛'𝑡 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑒Where stories live. Discover now