"so um- Mark, you're um, joining my class?"
"Yeah whatever faint kid. Where do you sit at lunch."
"Um. I sit under the blossom tree out the back of the school."
"But that's so far!"
"I-i-I'm sorry it's just the only shady place.."
"Let's go then."
The two of the carried of to the back of the school, where a large cherry tree stood. Mark carried the boys backpack, but never spared him a look as he carried far in front, leaving the latter to follow behind.
"So did you sit here alone or something?"
"uh- my friend Jisung sometimes sits here, but he got a new boyfriend so I don't see him anymore..."
"Oh, jisung... um can I bring one of my friends tomorrow?"
"Who's your um, friend."
"Na Jaemin."
"N-Na Jaemin?"
"Do you have a problem with him or something?"
"I um- no.. he's nice I guess.."
"Listen, if you're not okay with it then I might as well not bring him."
Donghyuck pulled out his bag and opened it up, Marks eyes began to travel to its contents. Pills, lots of pills. Donghyuck didn't just faint for no reason. He was sick. He didn't tell anyone though, he was embarrassed. He was scared. He thought that people would treat him differently just because he's the sick kid.
"What are the pills for."
"Oh I- it's just medicine in case I faint or something."
"That's a lot of pills."
"I don't really- never mind."
"Do I have to come with you everyday?"
"Y-You don't have to... but principal kim said that.."
"I wish I didn't have to, but I do. fucking principal."
"I'm sorry."
"Stop apologising, it's gonna get annoying."
"What's that orange wrist band you're wearing there?"
"it says faint risk. on event days and especially hot days I have to wear it in case I black out."
"oh- that's uh weird."
"What's fainting like."
"It's scary. The world spins and your head hurts like crazy."
"Jesus Christ, sounds painful."
Donghyuck let out a small laugh. He was beginning to get more comfortable with the older boy, he was going to have to anyways. Mark still found something off about the latter though, it was almost like there was something he was hiding.
"The bell will ring soon, we should get ready for your gym class."
"Have you made your transfer yet?"
"Yeah, I'm kind of in your class now."
"Well um, can we go get changed now?"
"Oh, okay then, you don't want to finish your lunch?"
The two of them began to walk off in silence with the only noise being the echo of other students moving to their classes. The two of them carried their bags into the dimly-lit locker room and began to get changed. This was always Donghyuck's least favourite part, him being embarrassed with people 'changing' near him. Most students would brush it off, but he wasn't like other students. He felt a blush creep on his face, but pushed it away and began to get changed.
"Ready to go?"
The two of them began to walk into the large gym, the latter falling behind slowly, nervous to overtake him.
"Woah dude, you never told me Kim Seulbi was in this class, damn, she cute."
"O-oh, you like, Kim Seulbi?"
"How could you not!"
"Alright gym class 10.6, today I forgot we had gym so we're just going to play some games. Any suggestions?"
"Dodgeball. 2 teams, sudden death, no getting back in. If ya can't handle it, then don't play."
"Sounds good Seulbi. Alright I'm going to split you up in two teams. Can I get half of you on that side please."
"Alright, as Seulbi said, sudden death. No getting back in. I want a fair fight."
"M-Mark, I'm nervous."
"It's just dodgeball, what could happen."
"All right.. go!"
Balls began to fly past Donghyuck's face. Tears stringed his eyes as heavy balls almost hit against his body. Balls flew left and right, he jumped and moved quickly, trying not to get hit. Mark on the other hand was doing great, he was getting people out and wasn't scared one bit. He was agile and fast, strong and controlled. He was ruling the game, he didn't even notice Donghyuck shaking in fear. Even if he did it's not like he would care anyways.
"Take this Donghyuck!"
A hard ball flew flat at Donghyuck's face making him fall to the ground. He was hit flat in head, leaving no signs of being awake.
"Donghyuck, are you okay? Donghyuck! Wake up!"
Mark shook the boy but he had no signs of being awake.
"I'll take him to the nurse, Mr. Kwon."
"Alright, you're excused."
Mark began to lift up the unconscious boy, and carried him to the nurses office, of course, on his back. The latter was far from heavy though, he was light enough for Mark to carry him. Almost as if he had never eaten a single thing.
"Ah, Minhyung. Is that Donghyuck there? I'm assuming you were the one assigned to help him this semester."
"Yes, he was hit in the head in gym class."
"Alright Minhyung, just wait here for a moment, I'm going to the front office to get his file."
The nurse left the two of them in silence, as Mark laid the boy down in the bed, pushing the blanket on top of him. He sat for a moment admiring the boy.
"Hyuck, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

𝙛𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙩 𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙠 ↳ markhyuck [ editing ]
Fanfictiondonghyuck couldn't stop falling to the ground, until a troubled kid was assigned to catch him. note: this is my most popular book, so please drop a read! -markhyuck -nct -boyxboy -lowercase intended