[ eight ]

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"W-Where am I? My head hurts."

"Hyuck? You're awake!"

"Markie? What happened to me?"

"You passed out at the party."

"I'm sorry- you may as well just drive me home right now.."

"You're too sick to go home, you have to stay here. Plus your sister is already asleep in the guest room."

"What time is it?"

"Like 10, we didn't stay at her party for long, it's definetly still going."

"Why do I smell so disgusting?"

"There is literally alcohol all over you-"

"Oh dang-"

"Okay, you can go shower, just borrow some of my clothes. The closet is connected to the bathroom so you can choose whatever you want when you finish. I'll just wait here, you can go ahead and shower first."

Donghyuck went to go shower as Mark waited on his bed. He decided to do something. He walked down stairs and got cookies, blankets, drinks and pillows to watch movies. He felt bad for ditching him that night, he thought it was only what he had to. Setting up the area in front of his tv he turned on the small fairy lights and placed big blankets around. He heard the shower turn off and shuffling in the bathroom. He sat down and turned on his tv sitting himself down.

"Hey. I-I'm done."

Donghyuck stepped out of the bathroom in one of Mark's huge hoodies draped over his body. The sleeves fell over his arms and he hood fell low.

"I hope you don't mind I chose this sweater."

"It looks nice on you."

"What- What did you do?"

"I thought about setting up a movie for you, I felt bad about ditching you for Seulbi."

"It's okay. What are we watching."

Donghyuck went and sat down next to mark, snuggling up in the blanket clutching a cushion lightly. They flicked through an array of movies and soon chose The Breakfast Club.

"This movie is so good, it's just so- cute."


"Markie~ I'm cold."

"Here, you can share my blanket."

"Thanks- it's so warm."

Feeling the heat of each other's bodies on each other they both felt comfortable. They watched the movie and indulged on sweet snacks, enjoying each other's presence. Mark was fixated on the movie, until he heard soft snores and a weight on his shoulder. He didn't notice his heart rate pick up, but he notice donghyuck asleep on his arm. Turning off the movie he decided to go to sleep.


'Oh baby it's you~~'

Mark's alarm blasted loudly and donghyuck felt someone shuffle slightly next to him. Feeling his heart race he looked up at who was sleeping next to him. He felt himself get nervous and his body shake. He silenced Mark's alarm as quick as possible. Not wanting to alert the sleeping boy, He didn't move from his spot. He admired his face for many moments, watching the gorgeous features on his face. He felt his heart rate continue to pick up and he felt too many emotions at once. Lightly pushing the boy off him he rested him on the edge of the seat they were leaning on.

"Morning Donghyuck."

"Oh- Good morning Mrs. Lee."

"You seem particularly close with my son there."

"I-I-I um- I guess I- Oh- I"

"Don't worry, I'm sure he likes you."

"Oh- I-"

"I just hope he's with someone who looks after him, and someone he'd look after. I think you'd fulfil that."

"Thank you ma'am, but your son has unfortunately already chosen someone."

"Please tell me it's not that Seulbi girl."

"Sadly, it is."

"I don't say this much with describing children, I typically love them! But that Seulbi girl is bad news- don't let my son get close to her. I'm trusting you to look after him Donghyuck. I see something in you."

"Thank you Mrs. Lee."

"Call me mom, you'll need to soon. And you look cute in my sons sweater there."

"Thank you m-mom."

Mrs Lee ruffled the boys hair and smiled at him. Cup of coffee in hand, she looked like a real mom.

"Breakfast will be ready soon. Why don't you wake up Mark and bring him down, you two can enjoy some of my famous pancakes."

Donghyuck watched as Mrs Lee carried out of the room and he sat down once again next to mark. He watched him for a moment and began to wake him up.

"Markie? Wake up."

Donghyuck shook the boy ever so lightly and noticed his eyes flutter open slightly. There was inches of space between their faces and they could feel each other's breath on their faces. They looked up at each other in the eyes and stopped for a moment. Their gaze was so strong in the two of them, the whole world fell under them. It was only them, together in the room, faces centimetres apart.

"I um-"

"It's um."

"So breakfast is um-"

"I guess we should um-"

The two of them broke away from each other and continued down the stairs.

"Good morning big bwother!! Hi Markie!!"

"Hi Minnie, did you have a good sleep?"

"I got to sleep on a big fluffy bed and play with toys!!"

"Thats so good Minnie! Did you finish your breakfast?"

"Yes!! Mrs Lee said I can go to my room and play!"

"Okay Minnie."

"Uh Donghyuck, this plate is yours."

Mark handed Donghyuck the plate and let him choose a seat on the breakfast bar and the two of them sat in silence.

"So because it's Saturday I have work from 10-5 do you think you could drive me? You can drop Minnie at home and leave her, or I could take her with me. she is used to staying at home alone from when I go to school."

"Donghyuck, you're not going to work today."

"W-What do you mean?"

"I mean you're going to call in sick."

"B-But why? Mark you know i need the money."

"Donghyuck, you're calling in sick."

"Why, you still haven't told me why."

"Donghyuck, I want to spend the day with you."

"You want to do what with me?"

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