after they had fallen asleep in each other's arms, here we find mark lee and lee donghyuck asleep holding each other in one bed. mark felt his eyes fluttering open as he felt the warmth of haechan next to him. he opened his eyes and stared around the room. this was to be the last time he could ever lay here or even be here alone. he walked into the closet and chose each piece of clothing he would take with him. he zipped up each one of his bags making sure he didn't leave a thing behind, besides practically his entire life. he looked over at haechan for a moment. he watched the way his chest puffed up and down and the way the fluff on his hair moved lightly in the wind that was blowing from the wind brushing through the air. he noticed the way he shivered slightly and pulled up blankets on his body. after looking at who was lying asleep there in front of him, he realised he couldn't leave without saying goodbye, leave without saying anything.
'dear my love, my baby little haechan
hi. I don't want to make this too long or way too dragged out but. I'm moving to Canada. I'm leaving. I don't want to leave you. trust me, I would do anything to stay with you I love you so much you're the most important person to me but, my dad is making me leave. I have no choice. I just need you to know that I love you, and I will always love you. So please do not forget about me. I'm always going to wait for you so please just wait for me. Baby just know that I will always love you, and I'll never stop loving you. I'll come back and we'll get to be together again all I do is just beg that you wait. I'll see you next summer. goodbye.
-lee minhyung, aka your love'
he rested the note on the nightstand and kissed the top of haechan's forehead lightly. this would be the last time the two of them would touch. it was time for him to say goodbye. he grabbed his bags, suitcases and rolled them out the door. he stepped into minnie's room, kissing her forehead too and making sure to remember who she was before she aged too much. and then before he left, he visited his mom's room to find her asleep in her bed. Maybe it was the last chance for Mark to see his dear, caring mother. he hollered for a taxi, stepped in, and headed for the airport. it was time for mark to leave everything behind, and finally start a new life in vancouver with his father. but he seemed to think, what would be happening to his mother. would she stay in Seoul? will she move? buy a new house? all of this confused mark, he didn't want to accept that his entire life, his entire world was changing right there. as the car drove off and the rain fell on the windows, Mark was finally leaving.
it was about 3 hours after mark left that we found haechan beginning to wake up. as per usual, he would stretch over to see mark asleep next to him. but this morning something wasn't correct. he felt around the bed to find nothing but a cold patch and neatly placed blankets. he shot up from his bed and looked around the room. not seeing mark present anywhere he walked outside to find mark nowhere to be seen. he came back into a room and noticed a small note lying on top of the nightstand. He unfolded the paper and read each word out loud. the second he let the words escape from his mouth, he felt his heart break a little bit more. his love, he was leaving? but haechan didn't want to accept this. he grabbed his phone and the spare money that mark's mom keeps and called a taxi as quickly as he could.
"airport, and make it quick"
haechan was now crying in the backseat of the taxi, wondering if he could make it in time to say goodbye. as the taxi got closer and closer he dashed out of the car, throwing back the money at the driver in the process. running through the airport in his sweatpants and mark's seater he grabbed his phone and called him.
[my min min did not answer. leave a message? yes | no ]
"Mark? if you get this message I'm looking for you please don't forget-"
haechan looked up at the glass window only to see a plane labelled 'air canada' beginning its ascent. as he watched the plane begin to fly through the sky, he felt himself sink to the ground. it was all over, everything. the first time the two met, every time he fainted, every time they shared a hug or a kiss. all of it was over. letting everything out he fell to the ground and began to cry, he cried harder than he ever did before. gaining a few stares from people he remained there, a lifeless blob of tears and snot on the hard ground. but he didn't notice the figure staring at him from a far, the same figure who was running over to help him.
"donghyuck? are you okay?"
"have you seen mark?"
"w-what? where I-is he?"
"his plane is about to leave at gate 4 you might want to-"
he started running, he ran as fast as he could
'flight number 304 for Vancouver, Canada is boarding now, all passengers report to gate 4'upon hearing this he ran faster, faster than he ever has. tears strung his eyes and his breath was hitched. all until he saw him.
just as Mark was about to board the plane he let go of his and his father's bags and ran up to haechan one last time.
"Y-you idiot. w-why did you have to leave w-without saying g-goodbye. you s-should have t-told me you w-were leaving."
"hey, please don't cry. I'll see you next summer okay? I can video call you every night and make sure you're safe. I'll even let you live with my mother. just promise me you'll always be mine."
"I promise."
'Flight 304 for Vancouver, Canada is now accepting the final passengers. all boarding proceed now."
"Till next summer?"
"Till next summer."
placing a small kiss on his cheek haechan turning around to walk back to the gate. but he couldn't leave like this. he turned around once more and ran straight to mark who was just at the gate. Pulling his cheeks in he placed a kiss right on his lips, holding it there for a moment. after pulling away mark disappeared into the distance. he was gone, gone way too soon.

𝙛𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙩 𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙠 ↳ markhyuck [ editing ]
Fanfictiondonghyuck couldn't stop falling to the ground, until a troubled kid was assigned to catch him. note: this is my most popular book, so please drop a read! -markhyuck -nct -boyxboy -lowercase intended