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We're on the ship to hunt down Jaime Reyes, AKA The Blue Beetle.  We're capturing him for The Light's new partner. Who it is, I don't know. On a side note, M'gann's new boyfriend Lagoon Boy got kidnapped by The Light. Of course, Kaldur and I have a plan to have him rescued, much as I don't like that guy. No one else in The Light knows about the backup plan. Anyway, we're on the ship. Icicle Jr is constantly flirting with Tuppence Terror. And it's getting annoying. I then say in my interrogation mode voice, "You know something Junior? You talk too much." This caused Icicle Jr to shut up. Tuppence's twin brother Tommy started laughing. "Ah like this guy! Always knows what ta say!" he said, "what's yer name?" I looked at him and said, "They call me Mr. Adamantium. I have radioactive strength, and a suit of metal from the same stuff from Wolverine's claws. I wouldn't pick a fight with me if I were you." Kaldur smirked a little. But that smirk soon dropped and he said, "Perhaps we could focus on the mission, Mr. Adamantium. We are closing on our target."

Soon, it was nighttime, and we found Jaime. He wasn't alone though. He was with that other Speedster... what's his name? Oh right, Impulse, AKA Bart Allen, future grandson of Barry Allen, The Flash. They were hanging out. We parked near where they were, and got out. Tuppence saw Jaime flying in the air, saying, "Crash." Tuppence then jumped from behind, and attacked him. They landed on the ground, knocking the wind out of Jaime. Impulse frowned and said, "Ah man! I spent 1.6 seconds on that self-portrait! That was my favorite!" I ran up from behind and jumped, ready to kick Bart in the face, but he ran out of the way with his speed. But he ran into Tommy, and once he was on his back, I used my net gun to tie him down on the ground. That'll hold him. The Twins were holding Jaime back. Kaldur observed all of this from the top part of this small mountain. "Hold him steady!" barked Icicle Jr, "Now move!" The Twins moved while Junior blasted at Jaime, freezing him. "BLUE!" Bart shouted, and he used his speed to vibrate out of the net. I tried to stop him, but I was too late. Blast it. That's when Jaime burst out of the ice, mad. He then blasted at Tommy, knocking him down. Then he blasted at Tuppence, knocking her down too. I managed to jump out of the way.  But he used his other blaster to have me stick to a boulder. I used my spider strength to get out of that boulder. Jaime and Bart were making plans to escape. Then Bart saw Kaldur and ran to him. He then took Kaldur's tracker, running as fast as he could. "They can't follow us now," he said, smirking, "let's blow this joint!" They then ran away, leaving us in the dust. Or so they thought.

"Well that's brilliant chief!" Tommy complained, "You let 'em get away with the trackin' device! Now how do we find Beetle?" Kaldur just stood there, scowling. "As it happens..." he said, "the device will give away where they are at. And it will deactivate all security systems at Mount Justice." I nodded and said, "The boss and I got this. Any questions?" Silence. I have to admire Kaldur for always being one step ahead of us. We were back in the ship, and Tommy asked, "You had another one of them gizmos, why didn't you say so?"  Kaldur was in the driver's seat and he said, "It is not the same. This one confirmed that it acted as a Trojan horse. Impulse brought it into the cave, and we explained what will happen. As Mr. Adamantium has quipped, we're one step ahead of them." The Twins and Junior smiled, admiring our tactics. "Mount Justice is ours," said Kaldur. We then dove underwater, and in a few minutes, we were inside Mount Justice. I went to the living room, and saw Wolf, Conner's pet, was sleeping on the couch. He woke up only once, sniffing to see what was going on. But he went back to dozing off. Good boy. I then put the power dampening collar on him. The others dealt with whoever else was inside. There was Beast Boy and Superboy. And a few minutes later, the security systems were deactivated.  That's when Tommy threw an unconscious Superboy onto Nightwing. Impulse managed to knock down Icicle Jr, but not the twins, putting the power dampening collar on him. Once Dick got Conner off of him, I kicked him in the face, fighting him. I knocked him off his feet, and he landed flat on his back. I then put the power dampening collar on his neck. Dick smirked and said, "Sorry, no superpowers for your collar to turn off."  He pushed me back. He knocked me back to the ground. That's when I activated the shock inhibitor. Sorry Dick. Jaime was ready to blast us, when Kaldur shouted, "STAND DOWN!"

"This battle is over," he said. "I don't think so, traitor!" Blue Beetle snapped back, ready to blast at him. "Then rethink Beetle," replied Kaldur as he put the big bomb down on the ground, "This is the same type of bomb that obliterated the island. I am holding down the dead-man's switch. If my thumb comes off this button, for any reason or circumstance, Mount Justice falls." That's when Jaime landed with his hands in the air and said, "We're standing down." Tommy put the collar on him and Kaldur said, "Wise choice." Icicle Jr then came back and sarcastically said, "I'm fine by the way." I was about to say something smartass, when Kaldur said, "Good. Escort Beast Boy and Impulse into the flyer." Thank you Kaldur. But it did make me ask, "What about these two?" I was of course referring to Dick and Conner. "As hostages here, they have value," said Kaldur, "but Nightwing is an ordinary human. Superboy, a human/Kryptonian hybrid clone. Neither of any category is of interest to our partner." Nightwing got back up and yelled, "Aqualad! You'll regret this!" Kaldur walked on over and punched Dick in the gut, secretly giving him a thumb drive with information that will be super useful in the near future. Thankfully, only I saw it. Could you just imagine if someone else saw it, and they were like, "Hey Kal, what was that thing you put in Nightwing's hand?"

 "Oh, nothing of importance..." 

Kaldur turned his back on Dick and said, "I believe I have outgrown the name Aqualad. As well as anything resembling regret... I will leave the bomb with you. As a souvenir. Oh, and the dead-man's switch has a five mile range. Do not pursue." That's when we left, with Jaime, Bart, and Garfield. Junior pushed Jaime and said, "Move it bug." I take offense to that, me being part spider. I could tell that Jaime was communicating to the Scarab, which only he could hear. But if I didn't know better, I'd say that suit could potentially take over him at any minute. That's when Beetle attacked, knocking down Junior and I. Good thing my suit is built for this type of abuse. He then blasted at Kaldur, knocking him down, and he accidentally dropped the detonator. Jaime soon realized that the "Dead-Man's Hand" was nothing more than a fake. Busted... But right when Jaime was ready to attack Kaldur, he shocked him so hard, Jaime's suit had an open target. I used this opportunity to have the gauntlets release a knock-out dart on him. "I was not certain that would work," said Kaldur. "Me neither," I said. "But it seems Beetle is vulnerable to mystic energy and sedatives," said Kaldur, "bring him aboard." And that's what we did, and we were ready to take off. "Can't believe we didn't end Superboy when we had the chance," complained Tommy. "Boss here still has a soft spot for his old team," Junior accused. That's when Kaldur gave me the real detonator and he said, "Do it." I took off my mask, revealing my face to everyone. To everyone else, I have blond hair and ocean blue eyes. But to Kaldur, he knows what I look like. "You sure?" I asked, feeling hesitant. Mount Justice has been like a second home to me. I'd hate to destroy it. Kaldur coldly said, "Do it."  I sighed and reluctantly pulled the trigger. I'm gonna hate myself for this. That's when the bomb activated and exploded, destroying Mount Justice. 


Garfield gasped, and Bart screamed, "OH NO!!!!" I looked on sadly, and Kaldur could see the look of guilt in my face. I knew that this was necessary. But that didn't mean I wouldn't feel bad about this. We then flew away.  I can at least take comfort knowing that Dick, Conner, Wolf and Sphere will be alright. We soon came back to Black Manta's hideout. I decided to let Kaldur and his father be. But with this successful mission, there's a high likelihood that Kaldur is gonna be part of The Light. I just hope Aunt May's alright.

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