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It was now the day The Light was to meet with The Reach. While we got to Santa Prisca, Black Manta said, "Kaldur, Mr. Adamantium, I'd like for the both of you to meet our newest member of The Light. He recently replaced Ocean Master." Out of the shadows came... Norman Osborn?!?!?!?! "Hello Manta," he said, "these must be your best men." I can feel my blood boil. This is where Osborn disappeared to? The Light? "We are honored, Osborn." Kaldur said. He knew how angry I was feeling. "The honor is mine Kaldur'ahm," replied Osborn, "you must be Mr. Adamantium. Man of few words and more action. I like that. Shall we ready our meeting with The Reach?" Manta nodded and said, "Yes, let's."

We then went to the cave below Santa Prisca. There was me, Kaldur, Black Manta, Osborn, Vandal Savage, Ra's Al Ghul, his bodyguard Ubu, Deathstroke, BRAIN, and his gorilla henchman. We went in and saw The Ambassador, his scientist, Black Beetle, and their cronies. "Ambassador," said Vandal. "Savage," replied the Ambassador. "As head of security for The Reach," said Black Beetle, "I insist that no masks be worn at this summit." Uh-oh. "Simply because you insist is no guarantee," said Manta. "Manta? If you wouldn't mind?" Ra's asked, "After all, we are among friends." Black Manta grunted and took off his mask. I took off my mask, revealing my disguised face. "We are so in over our heads..." I whispered to Kaldur, and he shushed me. Deathstroke then took off his mask. "Satisfied?" Ra's asked, and Black Beetle grunted. "Excellent," said the Ambassador, "then with these formalities out of the way..."  Vandal smiled and said, "Let us begin." I'm just glad Osborn doesn't recognize me.

"And the rest of The Light? Won't they be joining us?" Ambassador asked. "Other than Osborn, our more public members are occupied," said Ra's. "Conjucting damage control over your recent defeats." Savage said, "And in any case, we are sufficient." Ambassador said, "Fine. I know you called this summit, but The Reach has grievances against The Light." In short, The Team managed to free Blue Beetle and Green Beetle from being controlled by The Reach. There was a lot of bickering. The Reach's public approval rating was at a record low according to Ra's Al Ghul. As was their sales of "The Reach Drink," something meant to enslave humanity. But yeah, there was blaming and bickering. That's when Manta got up and close to Black Beetle, ready to fight him. Uh-oh. "It seems we have a stand-off," said Ra's. No kidding. That escalated quickly. "No, we don't." Black Beetle said as he punched Manta to the ground. Deathstroke and I had to intervene and fight this jerk. We fought him, and the guards tried blasting at Ra's. I shielded him thanks to my suit. "Apologies, Great One." I said. "None needed, child." Ra's responded, "You have my... Thanks..." I used my gadgets to restrain the guards. They're gonna stick around. Before things could get more violent, Kaldur intervened.

"Enough!" he shouted, "We are allies, not enemies! Any confict between us only benefits our true enemies. The Justice League and their sidekicks, as well as The Avengers, the Fantastic Four, and The X-Men!" Someone agreed thankfully. "Kaldur'ahm is correct," said Vandal. "Agreed, we must not allow petty disagreements to drive a wedge between us," said the Ambassador, "gratitude, Kaldur'ahm. Stand down, warrior." Reluctant, Black Beetle protested, "Ambassador..." But the Ambassador said, "Stand down!" Everyone then stood down after that. As Ambassador and Vandal continued to talk, I failed to notice Ra's looking at me. My Spider Senses are telling me something bad might happen. He then got closer to me. Too close for comfort. "Great One?" I asked. But then he grabbed my pendant. Oh shit. Then he ripped it off, so that everyone could see my true face. I am toast on a stick. "Parker?" Norman asked in astonishment and realisation. "I don't understand, I thought Peter Parker, otherwise known as Spider-Man, was dead?" Ambassador asked in disbelief. "So did we all," said Savage, "but it seems Spider-Man and Mr. Adamantium are one and the same." I'm in trouble. "This was a glamour charm," explained Ra's, "created, I'd wager, by Zatanna or Dr. Fate. To hide Peter Parker's true identity."

"But Kaldur'ahm killed Spider-Man," the Ambassador said, dumbfounded, "if he lives, and in disguise as his lieutenant, then that means..." Wait, they know I'm Spider-Man? "That means, Aqualad duped them all..." Black Beetle said angrily, "including his own father..." He then laughed. Osborn started to laugh too. "Kill them both," ordered the Ambassador. "No! You will not kill my son!" Manta protested. Guess family does come first. Too bad the message didn't come to Deathstroke. "He's right," said Deathstroke as he shot Kaldur in the chest, "The Light takes care of their own." That's when I got shot, and I landed on the floor, dying. "How anticlimactic," said Norman, "I would've loved to kill him myself. Pity."

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