Complications (Or: Are You There God? It's Us, Kaldur, M'gann, and Peter)

616 13 4

What to do, what to do? Okay, good news is, M'gann has fully cured Kaldur. Bad news is, we're stuck. If Manta finds out, he's gonna kill M'gann. "Man, what are we gonna do guys?" I telepathically asked. "My father must not learn I am already cured," Kaldur telepathically responded, "until we devise some way to save M'gann's life." I crossed my arms and telepathically asked, "Yeah, but the question is, how long can we continue to stall?" That's when Black Manta barged in and said, "my patience has run out, Martian. You have 24 hours to save my son. Finish curing my son or die." Then he left. "Guess that answers your question. Either way, I'm doomed." M'gann telepathically said unhappily.

A few hours later, we've thought of something. It's not popular with M'gann, but what other option do we have? "So we're all agreed?" I telepathically ask. "No, we're not. I don't want the two of you to risk exposure for me," M'gann telepathically responded. "Instead you expect us to simply sit there and let you die? No. Peter, begin." Kaldur telepathically asked. I then faced the camera and said as Mr. Adamantium, "Deathstroke. I've been on duty for 12 hours straight, I need to stretch my legs and drink some coffee." Deathstroke said on the intercom, "understood." I then left the room and said to the trooper, "I'll be back in 5 minutes." I leave the corridors to think of a plan. One of the lackeys offers me some fresh coffee. "Eh, no thanks," I say. That was close. Suddenly, less than five minutes later, the alarms went off. Why didn't my spider senses warn me? "M'gann, what's going on?" I telepathically asked. No response. M'gann? Uh-oh. I run to one room and order to two troopers, "I'll take over from here. You two protect Kaldur'ahm." I then look for M'gann's collar control.  A few minutes later, Deathstroke announces, "Adamantium, Black Cat is trying to kill Kaldur, but the Martian is defending him. Maybe she knows that if she dies she'll be of no use to him. You better get to them." Felicia? That can't be good. I nodded and said, "on my way."

Thankfully, I've found the collar control, and I can turn M'gann's inhibitor collar off. I start running and telepathically say, "M'gann, I managed to deactivate your inhibitor collar. You should have all your powers back right now. M'gann? M'gann!!!" Suddenly, I see Black Manta fighting... Wolverine??? What's he doing here? Logan looks really pissed though as he slashes at Black Manta. "Adamantium, stop this mutant scum!" Manta ordered. "Got it," I said as I kicked Logan back. "I'm going to save my son!" Manta said. Wolverine responded with, "You're not getting away that easy, you son of a bitch!" I punched him in the mouth and said, "Language!" Wolverine growled and said, "big mistake, bub. So you're that Adamantium assassin I've heard so much about. You're playing for the wrong team, pal. And that name? Totally unflattering. Especially after the hell I've been through!" His adamantium claws popped out of both of his knuckles and he said, "take your best shot, bub. I'll take it. Then it's game over for you!" We then fought, and I dodged Logan's attacks as best I could. But he wasn't holding back. Neither should I. If I make one wrong move, I'm dead meat. "Are you and Black Cat teaming up? I thought you and her hated each other," I said. "The Cat and I decided to truce," said Logan as he slashed my coat. "Why?" I asked as I grabbed his fist, the adamantium gloves protecting my hands. "We both care about Spider-Man. He was my friend! We're here to avenge him after what Fish-Head did," said Logan, "the fact that Black Manta let that asshole kill my friend really pisses me off! That kid didn't deserve to die! He was a better hero than me! So when I'm done with you, I'm gonna murder Manta in more ways than one! Even Felicia's pissed! So she's gonna take care of Kaldur." Oh boy... So Logan and Felicia think I'm dead, and they want revenge because they think Kaldur killed me. I get why Logan would be mad, but I never thought Felicia would go this far for me. She's no killer. I never knew Logan had such high respect for me. Before there are any fatal blows, I can see a psychic wave. Suddenly, Logan and I are inside my head. Also with us are Kaldur and Felicia in her Black Cat costume.

"What the hell?!?!?!?" Logan asked confusedly. "What is the meaning of this?" Felicia asked, outraged. M'gann then used her powers to remove her mask. "Guys, it's me," I said, turning back into how I see myself. As Spider-Man. That's when I took off my mask. Revealing my face. "Peter? You're alive!" Logan said. "Of course I am Logan!"  I said, crossing my arms. M'gann floated up above and said, "look." She then showed mental images of my memories. First she showed Kaldur pretending to stab me. "Aqualad did not kill Peter," confirmed M'gann, "he only pretended to be dead to become Mr. Adamantium in order to join Aqualad in his mission to infiltrate The Light and The Reach." Felicia looked at me and said, "You're alive..." I nodded and said, "Yeah, I'm alive. Which means you and Logan don't have to take your vengeance upon Kaldur. Don't do this Felicia. You're no killer." Felicia smirked and said, "you don't know me at all, Parker. But I guess I don't have to kill your friends. You so dodged a bullet, fishboy."

"We appreciate your cooperation," said Kaldur. "Well, I'm convinced," said Logan, "besides, nobody can dodge my attacks as fast as you, Webhead. You and Aqualad are playing The Light for chumps. Well played. Can you let us out?" M'gann nodded, and we were back in reality. "Alright, I need you to do me a favor," I said. "Sure thing kid," quipped Wolverine. He then killed the troopers, and knocked me down. "That's for lying to everyone about faking your death, and worrying me!" Wolverine snapped, glaring at me. I probably deserved that. Thankfully, he destroyed any evidence I did. Oh, but it didn't end there. I saw Logan and Felicia fighting Deathstroke. "I got Black Cat!" I said, attacking her.  We fought, and she was on top. "I like your suit, it's so film noir and badass," she said, "though I think I know what a girl sounds like."

"Ha ha, very funny," I said, "still, I'm flattered that you and Logan would go out of your way to avenge little old me." Felicia growled and said, "Don't get too sentimental, Spidey. And let's not get too teary-eyed. I'm more into the spider than the man." I chuckled and said, "yeah, I know." Deathstroke interrupted me and said, "Stop toying with her and finish it Mr. Adamantium!" I kicked her back, thinking, "M'gann?"  That's when she came and pushed Deathstroke and I away. "Leave them alone Logan, I'll handle them," said M'gann. "Okay, we're out," said Wolverine as he and Black Cat ran off. "Now, let's see what fun I can have with you two." M'gann said sadistically. "Yes, let's." Deathstroke said as he dropped some explosive pellets, knocking her back. "M'gann, you better get out of here before you get captured again," I said telepathically. "Right, right, and I want to apologize in advance for this Peter," M'gann said telepathically. Sorry for what? That's when she pushed Deathstroke and I to the ground. Ow. Still, M'gann was able to make her escape. And now Kaldur doesn't have to play possum anymore. So that's good.

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